Dogs’ day out

I have been bothered over the last few weeks by the super kakulitan of my two Toy Poodles, Gorby and Tasha, who did nothing but chase and chase the litter of tiny kittens our driver has adopted.

It drives Tasha and Gorby crazy that we don’t allow them to catch the stray kittens. "Why not?" is what seems to be written on the faces of Gorby and Tasha when they are rudely pulled away from the kittens.
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Kittens are a very different kind of animal. They are wild and bearers of many illnesses. Our driver, like everyone else in my home, is a pet lover. He likes kittens and cats, to the dismay of the dogs.

I have pointed out to our driver that Tasha and Gorby just want to play with the kittens – but the kittens only want to scratch their eyes out. Something that I will never allow to happen.

After their daily walk, the two naughty dogs make it a point to run over quickly to the home the driver has made for his pets. And they just love it when they make the kittens run for their lives. But, believe me, no harm is ever bestowed on the kittens because the doggies are not quick enough to catch them – and the smart kittens have learned to hide themselves in places where the dogs will never reach them.
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So, why am so bothered about the situation?

I wonder whether we are being kind to the kittens by providing them with food or if we are being cruel because the dogs are always on the kittens’ case?

I asked a few friends and they tell me that we are not cruel because we are meeting two of the most important needs of the kittens. One is for food and shelter and the other is to be able to fend for themselves when they are bigger.

I hope they are right.

In the meantime, I will try my best to keep Gorby and Tasha away from the kittens whenever possible.
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Oliver Tan, breeder of Miniature Schnauzers, has put up a new shop. It’s called Pooch Park. "Basically, Pooch Park is a place where dog owners can leave their dogs if they don’t have anyone to take care of their dogs at home – it’s a doggy day care," said Oliver to me. "Pooch Park also offers socialization and training classes. It’s like a little gym for kids. It is a dog place. We also offer grooming and pet supplies, too."

Oliver told me that Pooch Park Doggie Day Care is a new concept hereabouts. What the doggie day care does is to address the many problems busy dog-lovers face. The services include stopover inns, socialization classes, puppy kindergarten, training classes, grooming and spa, pet accessories, and dog food.

"At Pooch Park, we give importance to a dog’s growth – physically and socially," added Oliver.

Early socialization is very important to a dog’s development. The Dog Bible says that early socialization of puppies – getting them exposed to as many sights and sounds as humanely as possible – is fundamental to raising a well-balanced dog. A puppy that is kept isolated will miss that developmental period and may grow up fearful of strangers and the world around him. There are many behavioral skills that dogs can only learn from other dogs, so puppies need to hang out with others of their own kind.

Pooch Park is located at Unit 181 Auto Depot Bldg., No. 1 Julia Vargas Ave., Pasig. Or you can call them at 0922-9663322.

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