Space clearing: Going a level higher

Three years ago, my sister in law Panjee gifted me with a book, Creating Sacred Space Through Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. I tried out the techniques she so clearly outlined in her book and was overwhelmed by the effects of my amateurish efforts. There was a significant "lightness in the house," my help got along better, and my kids were sweeter. I ended up attending her workshops in San Francisco and later on in Bali, but I just didn’t have the time for her intensive training.

What is space clearing? It is a process of clearing energy imprints in one’s living space. You know how you can go to a house... and it has a certain feel to it? Well, people who live in a house invariably leave energy imprints through their thoughts, feelings, interactions with people, situations, etc., and when negative energy imprints accumulate, it becomes a real drain on one’s flow of life. Just go to a hospital or a morgue – there is a real heavy feel to the place.

Even my Bantay Bata call center felt really heavy before the space clearing.

Right now there are 12 registered space clearers in the world who do space clearing Karen’s way – with sacred Balinese bells, offerings. I find the whole process profound and quite powerful. Before the offering the clearer asks the client what his/her aspirations are, so that after the space is "cleared" these aspirations can be brought down into the space.

Well, nothing argues better than success. Last year after the space clearing, my revenues for the ABS-CBN Foundation increased dramatically. One can cite many reasons but the fact is that they did increase.

I had my house space cleared in December, and my aspiration was to feel God more, be more connected... and it is amazing. The flavor of my meditation deepened. I aspired for more harmony, love in the house, and yes, there have been shifts in relationships with my children.

In Bantay Bata last year, after the space clearing of some of the rooms in the Children’s Village, the manager said the children slept better – especially one baby boy who tended to cry all night – so last February I had the whole village space cleared.

A friend had a check of P750,000 arrive after space clearing! It’s great for selling houses and entering new premises.

Let me share with you the experiences of others who have had their residences "cleared":

"Space clearing my house gave me clarity and courage about my chosen path in life," says Panjee Tapales Lopez. "Having the energies in my house read also gave me a good picture of areas in my home life that needed fine- tuning. It also gave me the impulse to get rid of everything I don’t need and to do it now so that I can honor my inner and outer spaces. Even my children gave away their toys and clothes with such generosity!

According to Shell manager Claire Serrano, after space clearing, "a) I sleep straight at night, b) I am more at peace – even when there are not so good circumstances, I can remain calm, c) my son has not had any colds or cough, d) I stay at home more, whereas before, I would always want to go to the mall on weekends, and e) I have more self-control in terms of food."

Irene Songco, a lawyer for Globe, relates, "I only expected Sheila to clear out negative energies from my office and bedroom. I got more than what I wished for. Sheila cleared out negative energies within myself. During the Space Clearing Ceremony, she helped me face my own issues that I thought were resolved and she guided me further in my journey to reach my true potential. As a result of my experience during the ceremony, I have regained my love for myself and a passion for life."

Executive Search consultant Angeli Grageda-Crisol comments, "After the experience, I felt so light – within me and around my home, positive about all that I wanted to improve in my life. My relationships with husband, family and friends have become stronger. In the month that followed the space clearing, I had never been busier in my business."

The good news is that one of the 11 registered space clearers in the world is a Filipina! Her name is Sheila Gomez. She is actually based in L.A., but she is here until April. Those that are still wary can just do an energy-sensing of their house. You will be amazed at what she can pick up by sensing the beds, the chairs – just by walking around the house. And after feeling the "gunk" that’s there, how can one not want to clear it, to allow for fresh energy to come in? Sheila’s cell phone number is 0918-245-7606. Space clearing – it is definitely one way to go another level up.

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