Dandruff keeps falling from his head

Q. I own a Rottweiler named Wyle. He’s two years old and he’s a very playful and kind dog. Never bites, never snarls and is never prone to anger or aggression. Lately, I noticed that he has dandruff, especially on his head. It’s not severe, neither is it moderate. But I would hate to see it progress into something worse. He’s a very beautiful dog, with shiny, short, black hair. That’s why I want to do something about it and fast!

At first, I tried the usual anti-dandruff shampoo for dogs you can buy at your local pet store. It worked, then the itching and flaking came back. I consulted the vet who usually administers my dog’s annual shots. She told me to try Nizoral shampoo and to avoid giving my dog anything which contains chicken.

Ever since I got my Rottie, I’ve never given him dog food that contains chicken. The Nizoral helped for a while. Then the symptoms came back. I even tried alternating Nizoral with an ordinary dog shampoo thinking that too much Nizoral might have made my dog’s coat too dry.

Still, the itching and flaking continued. Like what I said, the symptoms are not that severe but I’m just distressed and I want to do something about it and do it quickly. Could I give my dog something orally? Or will an external medication work? - Ripley Roberto

Nizoral is good for fungal infections but have you ruled out allergy as a factor? On occasion, you might have fed your dog food with some preservatives. Another possibility is bacterial infection.

Laboratory tests can help us identify the bacteria. For dandruff problems, we can use Allerseb. Contact a vet to find out where to get that. The distributor of Polytar soap that is being sold at drugstores has another product for dandruff. Do not resort to self-medication. Always seek the opinion of a veterinarian involved in companion animal practice. Although the symptoms are not yet alarming, I’m afraid that the wrong treatment could worsen your dog’s condition later.
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Distemper Blues
Q. I used to have a black female Labrador Retriever. She was so cute and good with my daughters. She died of distemper. She was only four months old.

I want to know the cause of this illness and how to prevent it. I’m an OFW working in Palau and I’m going home next year. We’re planning to get another dog, probably a Boston Terrier. Is this a good dog for kids? My daughters are aged 4 and 2. Could you recommend a breeder? How much would one cost? - Nonie Evangelasta, Palau

Dogs can live for more than 15 human years, if we care for them properly. Vaccination is a must, as are healthy food, vitamins and mineral supplements, and good grooming. These are among the essentials to making them live longer.

Distemper is a disease caused by virus. Dogs and cats are prone to infectious diseases. To avoid being infected with these diseases, they must receive appropriate vaccinations. Bring your dogs to a licensed vet for proper guidance.

Vaccination is a series of injections that start as early as one to one-and-a-half months. Rabies vaccination is given when the dog is three months old. Because protection from infectious diseases from vaccination comes after some time, a booster vaccination is needed. Again, on this, your vet must help you out.

Deworming is a must, as much as protecting dogs from ticks and fleas.

Boston Terriers are friendly, cute and loving family pets with a screw tail. They are intelligent, determined, and possess a good temperament. Their short bodies give them a balanced, compact built. This, however, does not make them good sporting dogs. These dogs were first brought into the United States from the United Kingdom in 1865, and bred in Boston, hence their name. In the Philippines, a Boston Terrier costs between P15,000 to P25,000. You may contact breeder Roger Ganzon at 809-12-28 or 0919-2121795.
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Jamal Has Entropion
Q. I have a one-and-half-year old Sharpei and I call him Jamal. Like other Sharpeis, Jamal has entropion. I wanted to have this corrected, but a veterinarian I called told me that the operation should be done while the dog is still young, preferably before he turns a year old.

I read in your Oct. 27 column about Magoo, a Sharpei who was more than a year old when he had the operation.

Can you give me contact numbers of respected veterinarians who can perform an entropion operation? Is it safe? Is there a possibility of my dog going blind if he doesn’t undergo the operation? Are there any side effects? How much does it usually cost? - Jojie Geronimo, Taguig, MetroManila

Entropion cases are quite common among Sharpeis. The latest case we’ve handled involved a three-year-old Sharpei and it was a successful operation.

Entropion does not make a dog blind but it makes the eyes vulnerable to infection. The lower eyelid folds inward, touching the eye and causing irritation and infection. An operation will cost you between P5,000 to P6,000. You may call these numbers to get in touch with a veterinarian who can help you: 0917-990-2464 or 0917-835-1164.
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Dr. Mangahas has been a vet for 30 years and holds diplomates in Microbiology, Canine Practice and Veterinary Public Health. She has served as officers of various veterinary and health associations. She is VP and incoming president of the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations which has 42 professional groups recognized by the Philippine Regulatory Commission.
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