Italianni's Homemade Corned Beef Brisket with Potato Omelette


Name of Food: Homemade Corned Beef Brisket with Potato Omelette

Price: PHP 295

Address/Location:: Italianni's Bonifacio High Street

Main Ingredients: Corned beef, Egg, Potato

Best served with: English Breakfast Tea or Brewed Coffee



Italianni's new "Breakfast Creations" gives its customers tantalizing morning delights to devour and the Homemade Corned Beef Brisket with Potato Omelette is a great addition to their selection.

The home-made corned beef is flavorful despite its crunchy feature. It has an impeccable taste and combined with the soft and chewy potato omelette, it is the perfect marriage for your taste buds. The customary egg is the finishing touch to complete the breakfast goodie.

The presentation was nice and simple and the PHP295 price is just right for the budget. The meal is also served with a complimentary coffee or tea.




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