Elevate your laundry experience with cleanliness and freshness from Ariel

Embrace a new era of convenience as you effortlessly load your clothes into the washing machine, letting the advanced formula of Ariel Power Liquids do the heavy lifting.
Photo Release

MANILA, Philippines – Ariel, the premier liquid detergent brand in the Philippines, is thrilled to introduce a revolutionary approach to laundry care with its latest innovation.

Designed to be your wardrobe's ultimate ally, Ariel Power Liquids is set to transform the way you experience cleanliness and freshness in every wash.

No more tedious pretreating, scrubbing or soaking—Ariel Power Liquids is here to take the reins, allowing you to reclaim your time and simplify your laundry routine.

Embrace a new era of convenience as you effortlessly load your clothes into the washing machine, letting the advanced formula of Ariel Power Liquids do the heavy lifting.

Here’s how Ariel Power Liquids can elevates your wardrobe

1. Effortlessly tackles tough stains

Experience the transformation of your wardrobe with Ariel Power Liquids’ advanced formula, enriched with 10x cleaning enzymes that effortlessly remove even the toughest stains and redefine the essence of stress-free laundry.

Say goodbye to the hassle of pre-treating, scrubbing and soaking. Ariel delivers powerful, effective cleaning in just one wash, saving you time and effort. The result? Flawless cleanliness not only simplifies your life but also elevates the look of your wardrobe

2. Ensures all-day freshness

Step out in style with the confidence that comes from the long-lasting fragrance of Ariel Power Liquids. Discover how Ariel cleans deep-seated dirt that might cause malodor on clothes, making each outfit a symbol of freshness and style.

Inspired by Downy's perfume technology, experience your clothes with a freshness that endures throughout the day. Not only will you wow them with clean clothes, but you all also leave a long-lasting fresh impression!

3. Effectively tough on stains, but gentle on machines

Beyond clean clothes, Ariel Power Liquids is also a champion for the health and longevity of your home appliance. Designed to prevent the build-up of molds and germs, this liquid detergent ensures that your washing machine stays as hygienic as your freshly laundered clothes.

With its superior formula, Ariel Power Liquids dissolves completely in water, leaving no residue that could harm your machine—keeping it in top condition and contributing to a more effective and seamless laundry process.

Step confidently into a future where clean clothes and enduring freshness become your signature style, all thanks to Ariel Power Liquids.


Ariel Power Liquids is a product of Procter & Gamble (P&G) Philippines.

To learn more, visit their Facebook and Instagram pages.

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