During ECQ, fear ran high in our house.Then we discovered meditation

Meditation is for the mind what working out is for the body.
Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

One of the best practices that my family incorporates into our daily routine now is meditation. At the start of our home quarantine, fear, anxiety and uncertainty ran high in our household. The stress was thick enough to cut through with a knife.

Fortunately, we discovered the practice of daily meditation and it truly transformed us all. Through daily meditation, we have developed mental clarity and emotional mastery to remain calm and cool regardless of the outside circumstances.

Meditation is easy to do, free for everyone and does not require any equipment. In my opinion, it’s the best exercise that any person can do every day to vastly enrich their lives.

The moment I open my eyes, I sit down by my window in my most comfortable clothes. I silently thank God for another beautiful day and for all the blessings that He has given us.

I then close my eyes and perform a breathing exercise — counting from one to 21. I set the intention to detach myself from the physical world and my physical body, and set my timer to 15 minutes. When thoughts pop up, and they always do, I just return my focus to my breath.

At first it was a little hard. It can feel unnatural to keep your mind idle for that long when most of us are used to constant stimulation — surrounded by so much media, noise and notifications. Day by day, you get better at it. When you get used to switching off your thoughts, or noting them and letting them go once they arrive, you are able to achieve a meditative state.

That is when meditation becomes truly amazing. It feels so good to connect to yourself and to feel like you’re connected to an energy extending far beyond yourself — fully present, yet also completely detached. Carefree, peaceful and calm. It is the best way that I can think of to start my day, every day.

In times of uncertainty, one of the most important things to take care of is to have a sound mind. An average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. These are influenced by both internal and external factors. Between adjusting to the new normal and digesting news, these could lead to a lot of stress.

Meditation is a mental exercise to strengthen relaxation, focus and awareness. It is for the mind what working out is for the body. I think of meditation as constantly letting go — of thoughts, beliefs, attachments, anxieties, fears, stories, and outcomes. It isn’t focusing your thoughts on one thing; rather, it is becoming thoughtless.

During meditation, your cells are filled with more energy — resulting in joy, peace and enthusiasm. Practicing meditation will help give you a calm mind, good concentration and better clarity. It is one of the best exercises you can do for the relaxation and rejuvenation of your mind and body. Also, it helps improve your communication skills, as you will have a better understanding and grasp of your own thoughts.

Apart from these, meditation also has physical health benefits. Daily meditation can lower high blood pressure, reduce anxiety attacks and decrease any tension-related pain. It increases serotonin production, which improves mood and behavior. It also improves your immune system as it increases your energy level.

Nothing can cleanse your mind and leave you feeling as refreshed and rejuvenated as meditation. It nourishes you from within — whenever you feel overwhelmed or unstable. It instantly increases emotional stability, creativity and happiness.

It’s important to silence your mind so that you can connect with your intuition. With regular practice, you gain clarity and peace of mind, see the bigger picture and find every problem is smaller and develop intuition and sharper focus. Meditation makes you aware of everything in a new and expanded way.

Meditation can bring about true personal transformation. Practiced by members of different religions, it is an incredible tool to deepen your spirituality. In a meditative state, you are in a space of vastness and calm, where you are most receptive to God.

The more you meditate, the more you learn about yourself and find things to love about yourself. That love state is really what it means to be in unity and harmony with God.

Taking just five to 15 minutes per day to meditate will vastly improve the quality of your life. I invite you to try it. Get comfortable, put away your phone, just breathe and just be. You will be surprised at what you discover inside the depths of your own mind.

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Post me a note at mylene@goldsgym.com.ph or mylenedayrit@gmail.com.

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