LIST: 4 tips for stronger immunity this 2020

Always ensure that your immunity is strong throughout the seasons.
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MANILA, Philippines — Wherever you are and in whatever time of year, there’s always a chance you could get afflicted by illness, like coughs and flu, due to viruses and other microorganisms in the environment.

While cough and flu seem like simple illnesses, it could get worse and lead to being absent from work or school, increased health care costs, and the risk of passing the illness on to others.

If this isn’t alarming enough, a study from the Department of Health (2014) indicates that the top 2 leading causes of morbidity in the Philippines are respiratory infections.

This means that you should take necessary efforts to protect yourself and prevent sickness from happening or worsening. Don’t let your guard down and more importantly, ensure that your immunity is strong throughout the seasons! Here’s how:

1. Stay active and eat right

According to Harvard Medical, one of the most natural ways to boost immunity is by regular exercise. Improved cardiovascular health and control of body weight contribute to a healthier immune system.

This, coupled with a safe and healthy diet, helps the body becomes less vulnerable to infection and disease. Consume more of the obligatory fruits and vegetables—natural sources of much-needed nutrients—and limit intake of sugar, salt and fat.

2. Don’t stress it out

As it turns out, chronic stress can compromise the immune system, and when one is stressed, one becomes susceptible to colds and related illnesses. Address this through relaxation response, a technique developed by Dr. Herbert Benson. It is achieved through deep breathing, focusing on breathing, and engaging in health routine activity.

Another is to have a steady support group. According to the American Psychological Association, social ties can indirectly strengthen immunity.

3. Seek zinc!

Different nutrients do specific jobs, contributing to optimal functions. But one significant nutrient that’s worthy of focus is zinc.

According to the Journal of Molecular Medicine, zinc benefits multiple aspects of immunity. It kick-starts white blood cells in the immune system, induces collagen production for tissue repair, and functions as a potent anti-oxidant—all leading to a shorter period of sickness.

In addition, the National Institutes of Health in the US wrote that zinc “helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.” People need zinc to stay healthy, the institute summed up.

4. Get your cough medicine

Cough is a leading symptom of illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria. There’s a solution to fight cough with phlegm, with added zinc to help boost your immunity too.

Remember the importance of zinc? Now it’s in Solmux Advance.

Carbocisteine + Zinc (Solmux Advance) is a cough medicine aiding in recovery from cough with phlegm, while helping boost immunity. Suggested retail price is only P13 per caplet.  


For more information, visit


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


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