WATCH: Chesca Garcia on Team Kramer kids using gadgets

MANILA, Philippines — Actress and TV host Chesca Garcia-Kramer revealed that she allows her daughters and son to use gadgets but for a limited time. 

Speaking with the media during a recent HP launch, Chesca said she is the stricter one while her husband Doug Kramer is the more lenient one when it comes to their kids' gadget use. 

“I make sure to remind my children that, actually when I'm around, you won't see them holding a phone. The first thing I'm gonna say is 'Why are you holding that? Why are you not holding your book?' I'm the more strict one, Doug is the more lenient one,” Chesca said. 

She added that instead of gadgets, she prefers that her kids would find time reading a book or writing. 

“I allow my children to have a bit of time to play with their gadgets, but then it's not everything. It shouldn't take away the time they should spend reading books or writing. For me, let's go back to the basics,” she said.  

“I'm a big spender when it comes to books. Kendra would tell me, 'Mama, there's so much books.’ I said, 'You know what, in books, it's limitless. In the movies when you watch, they can only do so much, but your mind can go so much more,” she added.  

For Chesca, books are “endless travel and adventure.”

“Who knows what can your mind think of and for me, something tangible like that is so valuable. I have books when I was still a kid then I passed on to my children. My mom has books that she'd passed on to me that I really truly value,” she shared.

In disciplining her children, Chesca said kids need to learn values in their own home. 

“The time they spent on their gadget is the time they spent away from you. So the time away from you, you have to give back the time to them. Build on that time back. What can you do both together,” she said.   

“Values, these are things that should be learned at home because first and foremost, character building begins at home,” she enthused. — Videos by Erwin Cagadas Jr., editing by Kat Leandicho

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