Homeschool convention to offer talks on parenting, money and growth mindset

This year’s Philippine Homeschool Convention offers talks that will also be useful to non-homeschoolers.

Most, if not all, parents would probably agree that raising kids can be difficult these days. Many Filipino families have to deal with horrendous traffic situations going to and from work, school, home and other places. 

Then, when family members are home, numerous distractions including gadget use eat into precious family time, thus causing many a rift between parents and kids. 

This is one of the reasons why more and more intentional parents consider homeschooling. 

Beyond the customized education that they can offer their children, it is the strengthening of family relationships that they seek. More than the academics, it is the bonding at home that they value.

Thus, this quote by Mahatma Gandhi rings so true: “There is no school equal to a decent home, and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.”

No place like home

Gandhi’s quote is actually the inspiration behind the upcoming No Place Like Home Philippine Homeschool Convention (PHC) 2019. The PHC is a highly-anticipated event organized by Educating for Life (EFL), which is made up of four Filipino homeschooling moms who wish to support homeschooling families. 

This year’s PHC, which is also brought to the public by Moneygment and SMX Convention Center, SM Aura Premier, is set to take place on Sept. 7, 2019, at SMX Aura. Hundreds of participants are expected to come and “further pursue their vocation as homeschoolers and celebrate the essence of home, of family, of the virtuous calling of educating their children.”

The line-up of PHC 2019 talks will be given by international and local speakers who are all passionate about homeschooling and family life. 

Among them are homeschooling dad, bestselling author and sought-after motivational speaker Jayson Lo, veteran homeschooling mom and president of the Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands Dr. Donna Pangilinan-Simpao, and homeschool advocate, speaker, and blogger Michelle Padrelanan. 

The PHC organizers will also be flying in international speakers, namely Marla Taviano, a long-time homeschooler, veteran speaker, and author, and Dawn Fung, founder of Homeschool Singapore and “Little U.”

The morning plenary session will also feature homeschooling parents who will share about their journeys along with their respective children, namely Dennis and Thammie Sy, Jay and May Palacpac with their son Pablo, and David and Frannie Daez with their son Yuan.

In the afternoon, there will be different breakout sessions geared towards equipping the participants for their individual homeschooling journeys. The speakers are all homeschooling parents who wish to help parents be better educators for their kids, emphasizing the truth that there really is “no place like home.”

Talks that will benefit even non-homeschoolers

Among the many interesting topics lined up for PHC participants, there are some that will certainly be beneficial to all parents, whether they homeschool or not. Below are the talk descriptions:

‘Younique Parenting: Why Parents are the Best Teachers’ by Jayson Lo

Taking on the responsibility to be our children’s primary educator is a heroic feat. It can be daunting to think about it, and no matter what season you’re in, a homeschooling parent will always have doubts and questions. Can I really do this? Am I doing enough? Is my child happy? Veteran homeschooling dad Jayson Lo will address these fears and strengthen your conviction to be your children’s teacher.

‘Money Sense Begins at Home’ by Kaye Ang

Proper handling and use of finances starts with the right attitude and money sense. Basic financial principles like how to earn income, spending wisely, saving, and the value of money are important life skills that must be taught even to young children. There is no better place to start introducing money sense than the home environment, where kids learn how money is earned saved, and used. In this special plenary session, hear a young mompreneur share how she teaches her kid about money sense, starting in the home.

‘Promoting the Growth Mindset in the Homeschool’ by Sonny and Mina Mejia

Resilience. Grit. Perseverance. These are what most parents want for their children. Sonny and Mina Mejia, the couple behind Growing Minds PH, will share the principles of a growth mindset and how families can promote it in their homeschooling.

‘Home as the First School’ by Dawn Fung

Parents are the primary teachers, and the home is the first school. In this session, Dawn Fung, homeschooling mom of three and founder of Homeschool Singapore, will share her thoughts about this truth as she experienced it in their own home.

Besides the talks, attendees to the PHC will also get to visit an expo featuring educational toys and materials, tutorials, and classes that aim to support homeschoolers, and even non-homeschoolers.

There’s something for everyone at the Philippine Homeschool Convention.

Whether you’re new to homeschooling or have no idea what it’s about, or have already been homeschooling for some years, you’ll definitely gain something from the upcoming PHC. Meme Natores, who has been homeschooling for ten years, totally agrees with this statement. 

“It's always worthwhile to attend the Philippine Homeschool Convention!” Meme shares. “We look at the PHC as our annual homeschool ‘retreat’ of sorts, as we always go home afterwards enlightened, encouraged, and on fire! So excited to attend for the nth time this year!” 

So if you’re a parent who wishes to be more intentional with your child’s education—whether you homeschool or not—you’re most welcome to attend the PHC. You can even bring your kids if you want to, and let them join the kids’ activities for a minimal fee.

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