Finally, an insurance plan that encourages you to live healthier, longer, better

Philam Life brand ambassadors Mond Gutierrez, Solenn Heussaff and Nico Bolzico

Mention insurance and only one thing comes to mind — death!

“The insurance industry back then talked about dying. And our promise is if you die, we pay you,” Bernadette “Berns” Chincuanco, Philam Life head of branding and communications, said.

But today, the conversation has dramatically changed. Philam Life, the country’s premier life insurance company, encourages healthy living by giving incentives to plan holders for knowing and improving their health through its unique platform Philam Vitality.

Philam Vitality is the science-backed wellness program that works with you to make real change to your health.

Ten Paras, Philam Life head of products

Here’s how it actually works. First, discover the state of your health by completing the Philam Vitality Health Review (visit and other health assessments and earn Philam Vitality Points as you do.

Once you’ve completed the health review, Philam Life will suggest personal health goals based on your health status. You can also earn points along the way.

Lastly, enjoy immediate rewards from an array of partners. And as you work towards improving your health, you earn Philam Vitality Points and increase your Philam Vitality Status. The higher your status, the greater your rewards.

“It’s only Philam Life who does that — give incentives for policy holders who take care of themselves,” noted Berns. “It actually inspires you to go on and consistently be healthy.”

Health and protection

But here’s the better news. Philam Life recently launched its most innovative product to date — the Active Joint Critical Protect. It’s a health insurance for two that allows them to jointly safeguard themselves and a loved one — be it a spouse, sibling or child — against serious diseases or untoward events.

Powered by Philam Vitality, Active Joint Critical Protect also encourages healthy living by giving incentives for improving their health, at the same time boosting the plan coverage by up to 50 percent as they live healthier.

“Earlier, Berns talked about living better and wellness,” noted Leo Tan, chief marketing officer. “You might think how can these two things be related. Well, part of living better is actually being worry-free from critical illnesses and the potential cost of hospitalization. If you have peace of mind, you’ll be able to live life to the fullest. That’s also the reason why Philam Life made a commitment that we will focus on protection.”

And yes, protection equals life insurance.

Leo Tan, chief marketing officer

“Why is that? There is what we call the Protection Gap in the Philippines. That amounts to roughly P1.5 trillion. Simply put, if something happens to the breadwinner of the family like myself, my family is not assured that they can still enjoy the same lifestyle that they’ve been accustomed to when I was still healthy. We want to be able to address that gap through the Active Joint Critical Protect,” explained Leo.

With Active Joint Critical Protect, the plan holders are protected from the most common critical illnesses among Filipinos including heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

“It’s basically a wellness program that covers two individuals in one policy,” explained Ten Paras, Philam Life head of products. “After the plan’s standard period of 10 years and no claim was made, it automatically renews, making it very convenient for them.”

According to Paras, the price of the plan is based on the age of the two individuals availing themselves of the plan.

“We’re trying to blend the rates to make it affordable. Roughly, for plan holders aged 25 (son) and 45 (mom), the premium rate would be about P29k to P30k annual fee,” added Paras.

Morbid as it may seem, Active Joint Critical Protect is a first-to-claim concept.

“You both share the coverage, say P1 million. If I get diagnosed with cancer, then we’ll be able to use that P1 million to help me recover,” noted Paras.

If, by a stroke of luck, you haven’t been diagnosed with a critical illness, the plan will cover for death benefits.

“It becomes a living benefit if it’s a critical illness claim, but if it’s a death claim, we’ll give it to the beneficiary. Meaning, it could be you or your mom,” he added.

Who motivates you to live healthy?

During the launch, Philam Life introduced its brand ambassadors — Mond Gutierrez, Solenn Heussaff and Nico Bolzico.

When asked who motivates them to be healthy and with whom they would share the Active Joint Critical Protect plan, each mentioned a family member dear to them.

“Chard, being my twin, is the closest, most important person in the world to me,” enthused Mond. “And if there’s any way I can take care of him, then I will.”

Bernadette Chincuanco, head of branding and communications

Solenn, to her husband Nico’s surprise, chose her mom. “I love my mom and there’s not much I can do for her at this stage. But with this new product from Philam Life, I can do my part to make her worry less about getting sick in the future.”

“I don’t have to tell you guys how much I love my wife Solenn,” was Nico’s reply. “And while there are millions of ways that I’ve shown this, preparing for the unforeseen future makes me breathe easier every single day.”

With a product that jointly addresses the twin concern of health and protection, Philam Life is empowering Filipinos to feel secure about their and their loved ones’ future, helping them live worry-free and healthier, longer and better lives.

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To know more about Active Joint Critical Protect, call 528-2000, email or visit Philam Life’s website at, Philam Life’s Facebook page.

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