Life rhythm

I find myself perennially making schedules, modulating the various rhythms in my life. I wake up in the morning, tune in to a spiritual space while I expose myself for a few minutes to a “red light” which has a host of benefits. It’s good for the face and brain. I have been waking up at 4 a.m. these past few weeks. It’s because I am sleeping earlier and more peacefully. It’s either the glasses I am using which block radiation or my new supplement which is called PPARS which comes from marine algae. Whatever, I am sleeping earlier. You can look up the glasses online. It’s Swanwick and Tru Dark. My son uses Gunner, which he swears by. I gave my staff one pair of Swanwick and she said it helps her sleep. I use the glasses during the day when I use my cell phone and to block out harmful blue light in the places I go to, then wear one pair at night.

I move to the bathroom. I drink water that has been in a copper container overnight. It’s supposed to be good for the bones. My bowel movement is amazing — several times a day and it’s not diarrhea. It’s almost automatic after I eat. It’s really healthy. I think it’s because I have cut out white rice, and white flour and I eat a lot of roughage. Then I do an eye bath, which is a concoction of appie cider vinegar and honey. This has brought my eye grade down or in the very least has kept it stable. I drink some vitamins then I do “Neti.” This is a process of bringing water slightly salted up the nose then out of the mouth. This has the effect of clearing nasal passages but the most important effect is the clearing quality on the mind. I take silver, which is good for the immune system, and frankincense drops. It’s a practice I started when I was diagnosed with cancer and I have kept it up because it is healthy.

That whole process takes about half an hour. Then I go up to my meditation room and do asanas and qi gong as preparation for meditation. I do about an hour and a half.

This gears me up for the day. Every morning, I take coconut water, coconut meat, turmeric and guyabano. It’s been set for almost two years now.

This morning schedule sets my day in order. On weekends and during the week, if time permits, I work out on a vibrating machine which is good for my bones. I do weights while on the machine. I also have a “Cellexerciser” which is a super good trampoline. In the evenings, I have dinner with my son.

I also go on bi-annual retreats.

When a mother wants to put her child to sleep, she rocks the baby back and forth. This constant and regular rhythm calms and soothes the baby. In the same way, rhythm in life is critical. One has to figure out the components of that rhythm. There is a daily rhythm, a weekly, a monthly and an annual one. It’s necessary.

My father used to wake up at 4 a.m. daily. Meditate. Go to Mass. Exercise. He had a rhythm.

My mother has a meditation group every Tuesday. She has Pilates, Zumba and appointments with her naturopath doctor.

My stepfather swims and goes to the gym weekly.

Rhythm. It is regular but it shouldn’t be rigid. It should allow for evolutionary movements.

We won’t live forever, but while living having some kind of schedule is essential. One that doesn’t just surrender to work scenarios. One that is decided on because it is good for one’s growth and lends a stability to existence. The determinants of the rhythm activities are the crucial factor. Does it add to your growth and well being? Put it in and make a commitment. Rhythm works only when it is done regularly. There is no rhythm when there is no regularity.

Keeping a diary, reading, walking, family time. These are essential for life rhythms. Write down what is important in your life and schedule it in.

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Starting next week, I will be writing about places and change agents that have made it to the top of the list of Quest for Love. I’ll feature Quest for Loving organizations that can build village economies. You may want to visit. Or you may want to help. You can view this link The key to our country’s future is working together. There is no better time to get engaged than now.

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