10 ways mothers expressed their nurturing love for us

Moms nurture us unconditionally and tirelessly, believing we can achieve greatness.

MANILA, Philippines — From the time they gave birth, to the time they reared us from infancy to adolescence, to the time they struggled with us in our teenage years, up until the time they accepted us as adults, our mothers have always been on our side physically or not, round the clock.

That is why, often, they know us better than we know ourselves. They see our potential way before we do. So they nurture us unconditionally and tirelessly, believing we can achieve greatness.

In honor of our moms this Mother’s Day, we recognize 10 of the most selfless ways they love us:

1. They carried us for nine months.

Getting pregnant was both exciting and daunting for our mothers. It was exciting because they could finally have a child to call their own; daunting, fearing if they could raise a child the right way. When they finally gave birth—which, as we were told, put one of their feet in the grave—they were willing to take the risk knowing it would change their life forever in ways words can’t express.

2. They missed out on sleep, so we could sleep.

After birth, moms continued to take care of their newborns 24/7. They breastfed, changed diapers and bathed babies, and put them to sleep only to wake up in the middle of the night when the little ones cried. For all these, moms would feel rewarded by a simple cuddle or smile.

3. They nourished us with their best.

Right from the beginning, moms fed us with their own milk knowing it is the best form of nourishment. As we grew older, they nourished us with healthy and tasty food. They learned to cook. Asked family and friends for tried and tested recipes, burnt and cut their hands, and braved the wet market to get fresh ingredients—all these, so she can please us with heartwarming meals.

4. It was us before them.

Remember when we were young and our moms gave us the “last bite” of food even if deep inside, they wanted it more than you did? Or that time when they bought us the fancy pencil case even if it meant sacrificing office lunch budget for a couple of days? Moms are just this way. They would give us what we need—or want—first before their own.

5. They turned our house into a home.

Whether they are single or married, working or not, rich or poor, mothers are the secret fairies that turn our houses into homes. They showered us with love and care, and taught us values and life lessons. They always welcomed us with hugs and kisses after a tiring day at school, assured us that tomorrow is going to be more awesome than today.

6. They want us to finish school no matter what.

Our moms know that education is key to our bright future. That is why they’ve taught us to value education early on in our lives. They sent us to the best schools, often beyond their means which was a main reason for cooperative or bank loans. When graduation days came, they were the most proud persons in the room, thinking to themselves that all their sacrifices are worth it . . . and they are willing to do them over again.

7. They just want to protect us.

Not all mother-and-child relationships go well especially during our teenage years—the time when we just felt like rebelling and spending more time with friends. But no matter how much we misunderstood our mothers’ actions, or thought of her as KJ (kill joy) or BV (bad vibes), remember that they always want the best for us.

8. They are our besties forever.

The world gets tougher as we get older. We are sure to face challenges along the way, but there is great comfort in knowing that our moms are the best friends we could ever have. When friends hurt us, or things don’t turn out the way we expect them to, they comforted us and offered words of wisdom. They made us feel we are the prettiest or most handsome. When we experienced heartbreaks, their hearts were broken into more pieces than yours.

9. They taught us about love.

Indeed, our mother’s love is the greatest of all on earth. It’s the kind of love that does not ask for anything in return. Selfless. Pure. Unconditional. Maybe we will understand this better when we become parents ourselves.

10. They nurture our potential for greatness 24/7.

From day 1, our mothers knew we could be whatever we want to be—a doctor, scientist, rock star, or an Olympian. They nurtured our gifts and supported our dreams; raised us to be strong and resilient. Our moms encouraged us to dream big and reach for our stars. No matter what, they never gave up on us. They believe in us until we believe in ourselves.

Indeed, motherhood is a 24/7 job, and they need a partner that will support them 24/7. Wyeth Nutrition supports all nurturing mothers who have the toughest job in the world. One of the ways they do this is through the Wyeth Nutrition Careline 24/7—the first and only 24/7 nutrition and information services accessible through phone, web and chat. Careline 24/7 specialists are ready to answer mothers’ questions about their products and the nutrition they give, anytime, any day.


Reach Wyeth Nutrition Careline 24/7 at 81-WYETH for Metro Manila and 1-800-10-884-2222 for provincial areas; WPI.Careline@wyethnutrition.com and www.nurturenetwork.com; and www.facebook.com/wyethnutritionph.


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