What it means to do clean eating

MANILA, Philippines – With the holiday binging over, a New Year’s resolution most people make is to start living a healthier lifestyle, incorporating regular exercise into their daily routines, as well as "clean eating."

And with the summer season coming in a few months, it’s the perfect time to start!

The concept of clean eating dates back to the 1960s during the natural health food movement, where processed foods were rejected for moral values, as opposed to health ones. It later made its way to the realm of fitness where it became popular among health enthusiasts.

However, abruptly venturing into clean eating is difficult and more likely to have you relapsing. Here are some tips to get you started:

Minimize intake of processed foods.

Start slowly eliminating foods which have been altered from their natural state, adding unnecessary amounts of fat, salt, sugar and sodium. Read the nutrition labels to keep track of what you’re putting inside your body.

Include protein in every meal.

Protein is not only a muscle-builder but also helps curb your appetite as well, making you feel more full throughout the day. In addition to poultry, eggs and dairy products, nuts are a good source of protein and easy to incorporate into your dishes.

Look for healthier takeout and food delivery options.

There are many dietary services which prepare daily healthy meals. Online food delivery service foodpanda (www.foodpanda.ph) also has healthy restaurants and vegetarian and organic options in its line-up, such as Juju Eats, Go! Salads, Sexy Detox, and Coco Green, so you don’t have to succumb to the usual fast food.

Make better, balanced decisions.

If you munch on chocolate one day, choose to have a bowl of yogurt for dessert on the next. Give the chips a rest and snack on fresh fruit instead. Stay up late one night and get at least eight hours of sleep the next. Life is all about balance.

Get moving.

Clean eating should be accompanied by regular physical activity. In addition to being strenuous on the eyes, neck and back, sitting at your desk the whole day can make you feel lazy. Do some stretching, step outside from time to time, and be sure to squeeze in a workout after calling it a day.

Although clean eating emphasizes nutritional benefits, another rewarding part of it is that it leaves you feeling happy and energized. Start with these tips and slowly make your way to a healthier new you!


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