My evolving road to health

I have become increasingly averse to chemicals and anything unnatural. This resonates with my love of nature. My sustained good health despite the advance in years is proof that I am doing the right thing. So it bothered me when two weeks ago, I was hit with a bad cough, a lot of mucous and it wouldn’t go away no matter what I did.

It started with my going on a detox regimen someone had offered me as a gift. Because my diet is so healthy, I didn’t feel any of the discomforts that usually go with a detox. But on the third and fourth week, I got hit with a cough that wouldn’t go away.
I tried the “On Guard” essential oil, which is like a miracle cure for me no matter what. I tried homeopathic remedies, which had been working wonders with people close to me. But even that didn’t work. I looked it up in the book and from the symptoms I was having — slight fever and raspy cough — it looked like I had bronchitis.
I tried so many essential oils, it even made me restless. Like all forms of medical treatments, the key is getting the right medication.
What finally did it was Oregano Essential Oil. Two drops. The effect was immediate. As in, within  a few seconds, the cough stopped. Then I inhaled peppermint — felt it move through my lungs, my nasal passages, and my throat. I did this twice within two hours. That night I slept well. Woke up — did it again. I felt well! Even my sinus condition improved.
Yes! I had found something that worked. I followed the regimen two more days and I am now completely well. I then gave the regimen to my driver. It worked for him. And then to my helper, who had been unwell for a month, and it worked for her after two days!
Here are my current health regimens:

• I have found that if I turn off the phone and all electronic gear at a certain time, take a shower and then meditate followed by what is called a “night practice,” my sleep is so much better!  Night practice is a process wherein one lies on one’s back with arms and legs spread — and one relaxes each body part from the head downwards. This is followed by a counting backwards from 33 to zero, together with deep breathing in and out. Each breath takes you deeper into relaxation. If you haven’t drifted off to sleep by then, review your day backwards — no judging, just letting the images of the day flit through your consciousness.

 Then do a “free flow” — letting lights, colors, images flow through your mind, with no hindrance. Turn to your side, allowing your breath to take you to deep a peaceful space; you will wake up feeling refreshed and peaceful and the next day will flow so much better.

 • I have a new brain concoction prescribed by Ivan Piccio — an amazing homeopathic doctor. The recipe is 50cc wheat grass, 50cc toge and 50cc beetroot. He says if I take this twice a day for two weeks I will no longer be so forgetful. For wheat grass you can call Lily Ong at 0917-9158670. She charges P350 per tray but the tray can be delivered to your house.

 • No dinner. Since I now have an empty nest, I no longer have to have dinner. I sleep better and I am able to keep my weight down. 

 • I now laser all my food which removes the toxins. Check this link to find out about this laser that I really like: Since I travel a lot, I welcome ways to ensure that I eat healthy.

 • I cook in a titanium Saladmaster so there is no chemical reaction with steel or aluminum. This innovation was introduced by ARB Health and Nutrition Solutions. If you are interested in finding out more about their cooking ware, call 508-9368, 0920-9041908, 0999-1877864 or email

 • Instead of rice I now eat quinoa, which is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. 

 • I have found that our consciousness gets so engrossed in what we’re doing that eventually the work, the problems and the worries become our resting place. The smartphone, the iPad, the computer — these worldly matters are not nourishing resting places. One needs a place of peace and stability that remains positive, clear and calm — no matter the chaos around. I start the day not thinking about problems but feeling the Divine. I try to stabilize in that place before going on to the world. I am more aware now of a seeming “addiction” to my phone because it’s how I work. So I am trying to inculcate the habit of “resting” this bigger part of me. It’s not perfect yet. But the journey of a thousand miles starts with a few bold steps. 

The path to health and wellness is the art of maneuvering life. I am inviting you to a health and wellness experience at Luna Gardens in Rockwell on Nov. 14, 2015, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. I want to share my increasing knowledge of essential oils. My brother Ernie will come and teach a four-minute exercise regimen which the Biggest Loser participants are taught to help them lose weight. The cost is P350 inclusive of snacks and an experience of the oils. 

Ivan Piccio is the only certified classical homeopath in the country. He studied for 12 years in England. His remedies work. My son had been having trouble sleeping and his homeopathic medicine got him to sleep without the chemical medication, which can be addictive. I have a friend who was suicidal, and the remedies he prescribed immediately shifted her mood.   

Some of the ailments he has successfully cured are Stage One lymphoma, advanced sinus and chronic migraine. Someone who was bipolar for 30 years got cured in two months.

One family was asthmatic for three generations. One of them submitted to homeopathic treatment and got cured in six months! Mononucleosis was cured in two months. Eczema and other skin infections, vaginal infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, panic attack syndrome — these were also cured. He even has a 90-year-old patient that was reportedly cured of Alzheimers disease.

The list goes on and on. I called up two of the people he cured because I knew them, and they attested to the effectiveness of the remedies. I have seen it work wonders with people close to me. 

I go by the dictum, “If it works it works.” Be open to possibilities. Sometimes cures are “hiyang” but there can never be any harm in exploring what is there.  Piccio will explain the principles on homeopathy on Nov. 28, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Luna
Gardens in Rockwell. He will bring 10 people who got cured of Stage 4 cancer and multiple sclerosis through homeopathy. This is only P200 inclusive of a snack. Please reserve because seats are limited.

Looking forward to seeing you. Health and wellness is a continuing commitment to live a better life. It implies an openness to learn new and better ways to be healthy. It means sharing and learning; that is what life is all about. Looking forward to seeing you. 

Call Anna Dolendo at 0915-4650759 or email if you want to join our Nov. 14 and 28 sessions.

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I can be reached at


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