Mother dear

When I was a little girl, I always pictured myself with a husband and a handful of children.  For almost 18 years now, I’ve had the privilege of being mother to my children and countless many others whom we touch through our media and training programs and books. 

I thank my husband, Anthony who is largely responsible for making me a mother five times over.  I have also learned so much about how to become a better mother because he has walked with me on this journey and has fervently prayed for me.  He has been my helpmate, making the task of raising our family so fulfilling.

My world has grown so much bigger and I want to think that I have become a little wiser having been exposed to a variety of situations while dealing with my children.  I thought it would be nice to share some of my most cherished learnings from my children and why I am so honored to be their mother.

From Ella, I am continually learning about unconditional love.  When we had her, Anthony and I wanted to raise a perfect daughter so we applied all the parenting principles we learned, but we failed to put into the equation the fact that she is uniquely designed and we also have to adjust to her.  We have made many mistakes in raising Ella.  So many times, we have asked her forgiveness because we were so focused on doing things by the book.  When we see how she’s bloomed into a fine young lady, we can only say that it was through the grace of God that this happened. We can’t really take much credit for it.  When I was pregnant with my fifth child Solana, I asked Ella to forgive me for my mistakes and she was quick to say she doesn’t remember them and encouraged me by saying, “It’s okay, Mama.  We will do things right this time.”  I have gotten more flexible and open through the years and have become more relaxed.  Thank God for grace and, yes, unconditional love freely given.

Donny, my introvert, slow-to-warm-up, and shy son, has taught me so much about listening and being sensitive to people.  He is a young man of few but impactful words. He is one of few people who can softly whisper words to calm me down in the most stressful times and help me recover my dignity quickly.  I am thrilled at the fact that though he has grown to be a fine man at 5’11, he continues to give me his hugs and kisses, and to spend time with me.

My Hannah reminds me that life is to be enjoyed.  Her bubbly presence encourages me to chill and let go of my worries.  Her creativity and passion for baking, and the joy of hearing her belt out beautiful songs fill our home with happiness.

Every morning, I find myself wrapped up in my Benjamin’s embrace as he transfers to my bed in the wee hours of the morning to get his extra dose of cuddling.  As a champion athlete, he is fast, furious, and electrified with so much energy and yet he charges with those daily embraces we have. He reminds me to seize the day because we have a good God.  Benjamin is proof of that, and having gone through open heart surgery at four years old, he is bursting with life and energy — he knows where that comes from and gives Him all the credit for it.

To Solana, I am perfect. When she looks at me with so much awe, love, and devotion that I don’t deserve, I know love is blind and so pure in the eyes of a child. I savor her words that always speak of wanting to be with me, missing me, and loving me so.  These are reminiscent of Psalm 139 that no matter what I have done and who I have become, I am a delighted child of God.

I used to be more diligent in writing down such precious times with my children.  With five of them, it has gotten more of a challenge to keep up with all that we share.  So I make sure I savor the moment as it happens so it creates an imprint in my heart and mind.  I also make them known how they have made me feel loved.

Time flies, but memories etched in a mama’s heart will forever be cherished.

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Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @mommymaricel.

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