Apple cider vinegar: A beauty and health elixir

Truth to tell, my sweet tooth was uncontrollable and won over my good judgement.  During a recent birthday dinner of a close friend, there were 12 different desserts.  I usually veer away from cream- laden desserts because of lactose intolerance, but this time, everyone was gushing over the creme brûlée cake so I took a bite.  One bite led to another and another as it was so delicious — the few intended bites added up to a big slice.  I am not proud to say that I helped myself to the other desserts as well. 

At close to midnight, the hostess brought out halo-halo guinatan, complete with camote, sweet banana, sago, bilo bilo, and langka and I took a bowl of that as well.

My stomach did not react well to the coconut milk of the guinatan and the cream of the creme brûlée and the other desserts so suffice for me to say I took many trips to the bathroom that night.

But no experience — good or bad — is worth the memory unless you derive a good lesson from it.  There must be an underlying psychological problem there, which I intend to sort out soon.  I wonder what in the world possessed me to consciously violate the norm of what my digestive system can tolerate. I would like to be simplistic about it and think it was just katakawan on my part.

So, what to do in the aftermath of such an experience?

Seeking counsel from a holistic doctor was one recourse.  Dr. Marisa Torre suggested a colonics to further cleanse my colon and rid my system of all toxic matters. Then she suggested that I read about the amazing wonders of apple cider vinegar as it could help my digestive system in more ways than one.  I went through several reports and chose to impart some important information  I gathered from Jillee’s blog One Good Thing.

For starters, one must take raw organic apple cider vinegar ( like Bragg) as it contains the mother of the vinegar which has the raw enzymes and gut-friendly bacteria that promote healing.

I am now taking one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar ((Bragg which can be found in supermarkets) with my juice or warm water 30 minutes before meals.  For those who cannot take the taste, add some honey to the drink.

Here are other benefits of apple cider vinegar:

Helps sinus drainage and clears stuffy nose. Mix a teaspoon of ACV in a glass of water and drink.

Soothes a sore throat. Mix 1/4 cup ACV with 1/4 cup water and gargle every hour. The acidity of the ACV kills the germs.

Extinguishes exhaustion. Exercise and stress cause lactic acid to build up, causing fatigue. The potassium and enzymes in ACV may relieve that tired feeling. Next time you are feeling beat, add a tablespoon or two of ACV to a glass of juice or water.

Relieves nighttime leg cramps. ACV diluted in water twice daily will dissolve acid crystals in the blood and provide potassium, calcium, and other essential minerals needed to ease leg cramps.

Banishes bad breath. Due to its acidic properties, ACV is a wonderful remedy for halitosis. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of ACV in a cup of water and gargle for 10 minutes.

Controls blood sugar. The anti-glycemic effects of ACV help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is essential to maintain your sugar levels. One teaspoon in a glass of water thrice a day to steady your stomach’s rate of digestion which will keep blood sugar levels more consistent. 

Kills skin and foot fungus. Soak feet in a basin of water filled with one cup of SCV. Apply directly on skin fungus or nail fungus.

Can be used as hair rinse. The acetic acid will remove buildup from styling products and conditioners, and strengthen the hair shaft. It will also balance hair’s pH level, stimulate the scalp to promote hair growth, and cure dandruff.  Dilute 1/3 cup ACV in 4 cups of water and pour over your hair after shampoo.  Leave it on for a few seconds. Rinse with cold water to seal hair shaft and create shine.

Whitens teeth. Gargle with ACV in the morning. The vinegar helps remove stains, whitens teeth, and kills bacteria in the mouth and gums. Brush as usual after your gargle.

Can serve as a natural deodorant.

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Dr. Marissa Torre can be reached via cell phone number 09178535997.


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