Getting over 'hangover' in 7 ways

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MANILA, Philippines - The alarm clock rings. You are supposed to rise, but then you open your eyes and the sunrays peeking through your window burn your eyes; blurry clips from last night spin in your head like a carousel; a reeking alcohol smell envelops the whole bedroom—that is when you realize that you have gone off the rails again last night and this is a case of a bad hangover.

The hangover experience does not paint an appealing picture, but from time to time, we indulge ourselves into it. Hangover, as defined by, is a common nonmedical term for the disagreeable physical effects following excessive consumption of alcohol (or the use of other psychoactive drugs). Veisalgia is the little-used medical name for the condition. Symptoms may include headache, fatigue,  nausea, vomiting, and concentration difficulties.

Every one claims to have a sure fire theory about how to have a #yolo night, without having to face the frightening hangover the next morning.  Some of these theories are effective, while some are proven to be unhelpful. Here is a list of natural hangover remedies that are deemed effective by Laurel House of

  1. Hydrate to Clear Out Toxins. To help the detoxification process along, it's always a good idea to drink plenty of water before, during and after imbibing of your favorite spirit. Before going to bed, try to down two big cups. In the a.m., as awful as it may seem, hydrate again. Water is great, but tomato juice with cayenne pepper, sugar, and lime should also be added to the hydration options as the concoction helps replenish electrolytes and get blood sugar back on track.
  2. Try Tiger Balm to Help the Headache. Tiger Balm, a popular topical used traditionally in Asia as a multi-purpose remedy, is blended from camphor, menthol, cajuput oil and clove oil and known for its analgesic and blood flow promoting properties. It may not be made to mitigate hangovers, but it is one of the best topical headache cures around. Dab the potent, eye-stinging salve on the back of your neck and temples, massage it in, and wait a few minutes until your headache seemingly melts away.
  3. Soak in Wasabi to Stimulate Detoxification. As much as a third of toxic body waste is cleared through the skin. So doesn't it suddenly make complete sense to soak in a tub of toxin-purging wasabi? Don’t dismiss the hot stuff as a mere smear on your sustainable sushi! Turns out that at the root of this go-to miracle tonic’s power, wasabi (which is actually a member of the cabbage family) has the ability to increase blood circulation through the organs and promote oxygenation of the cellular tissue, helping to clear cells of metabolic waste. When infused into the bath, wasabi’s stimulating nature has been known to help ease a hangover.
  4. Take a Mustard Bath to Flush Out Alcohol. Because of its noted ability to increase circulation and draw toxins out from the organs, mustard has become a little-known hangover-healing health secret. Once the organs are flushed, they naturally are replenished with clean and vital blood.
  5. Rub Your Hangover Out of Your Feet. To rub your aches and pains away (while assisting to speed up liver detoxification) stimulate the outer edge area on the right foot, about halfway between the middle of the foot and the little toe. This is the reflex to the liver. You may notice some "crunchy" texture—which is a sign that there is some congestion in the area associated with that spot.
  6. Try This Hangover-Helper Yoga Pose. Perfect as a post-party liver purge, twisting yoga poses help to squeeze the alcohol out of the organs (imagine twisting a towel to squeeze out water) - The Seated Twist Get out of bed and sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you. Bend your left knee and cross your leg over your right, placing your left foot on the floor beside the outside of your right knee. Rotate your torso to the left so you are twisting your body. Bring your right arm across your body and place your right hand on the floor beside your left butt cheek. Use this arm to help you twist even more. Inhale big belly breaths. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Switch sides.
  7. Finish Your Night with a Different Type of Shot. Wheatgrass is said to cleanse the body's blood and water, hydrating and energizing the cells. Considered a "life sustaining food," the chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps clear your inside out,  naturally deodorizing, enhancing wound healing, maintaining pH balance, healing the intestines, and delivering powerful antioxidants and enzymes to support the body both inside and out. Drink a glass at the end of the night for instant detoxifying and hydration, then again the morning after to further detox and energize.


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