The top 10 fitness programs of 2013

The big buzz words/biggest news in dieting/cutting fat and keeping fit in 2013, according to Google Philippines, based on the most searched items throughout the year, through thick and thin, are:

1) Garcinia Cambogia.  It’s a magical fruit hailed by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Turkish-American TV talk show host, as the Holy Grail of weight loss. Clinical data show that people who used Garcinia Cambogia Extract as a supplement had up to 25-percent weight loss even without dieting or exercising. No sweat! Fact is, it’s probably the fastest fat buster. How does it work? The magic lies in its hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that works two ways: By increasing serotonin levels (thus reducing emotional eating), it suppresses the appetite and prevents fat from being created by inhibiting an enzyme in the body that makes fat from carbohydrates. The one big amazing thing about it is that it increases weight loss two to three times the amount you would lose if  you dieted  or exercised. You also not only cut the fat but also increase lean muscle mass. Yes, we grow the Garcinia Cambogia plant in the Philippines as it is native to Asia, Australia, southern Africa, and Polynesia.

2) BMI calculator. Body Mass Index is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight for both men and women aged 18 to 65.  It determines whether you’re overweight, obese, underweight or normal. A healthy BMI is between 20 and 25. If you’re between 30 and 34.99, and 35 and 39.99, you’re Class 1 and Class 2 obese, respectively. If you’re 40 and up, you’re morbidly obese.

3) Diet meal plan.  Going on a diet? Now, you can have it (breakfast, lunch, dinner, even snacks) delivered to your doorstep. This lean but mean meal plan is a big hit with a lot of office girls in the city.  It’s to diet for!

4) Zumba.  Get on your feet and dance your way to health. This dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer/choreographer Alberto Perez in the 1990s has earned sweat success as it incorporates hip-hop, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts, squats, lunges, etc. to build strength and resistance. Or quite simply,  it’s a fun way for fitness buffs to socialize.

5) Whey protein. Whey to go in 2013! Whey protein is a collection of globular proteins isolated from whey, a by-product of cheese from cow’s milk. It boasts anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

6) GM Diet. Ask GMC (General Motors Corporation) employees what this diet is about and they’ll tell you it was developed by their company to keep them (particularly those who may be tired but are not yet due to retire) in shape and enjoy better health long after retirement. So, instead of growing a middle spread, GMC’s middle-aged employees show off their fine form after doing the seven-day detox plan to flush out the impurities from their bodies. The target: A weight loss of 10-17 lbs. per week. The result: Less pounds, more energy (for work) and more focus.

7) Yoga. Either you or somebody you know is probably into yoga.

8) Plank. You’ve probably seen or heard of planking.  Also called abdominal bridge, it’s an isometric exercise for core strength and abdominal muscles.

9) Intermittent fasting.  Out with the idea of small frequent meals and in with intermittent fasting (IF), a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (consuming only water and sometimes low-calorie drinks like black coffee) and non-fasting. lf you can, try IF for quicker fat loss and better health.

10) Insanity workout. It’s America’s leading workout today, it’s insanely tough, but its creator, former track  star Shaun Thompson, was surprised to find that there were so many crazy people out there. The 60-day program involves 45 minutes of muscle-searing daily exercise. After that, you’re supposed to have a body that others would die for or go crazy about.

There you have the top (some of them could be tough) 10 diets/fitness programs. And after the 12 pounds of Christmas (gained during the 12 days of Christmas), don’t you think shaping up should top your to-do list for the new year? Do I hear a big fat yes?

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Visit for more information. For more information on Google Zeitgeist and the lists of the most searched terms for 2013, visit


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