Every breath you take

MANILA, Philippines - There is nothing as natural as breathing. We are on auto-pilot mode when it comes to it but do you know that there are ways of breathing that lengthen our lives and of course, there are some that shorten it.

The Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, "The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our minds."

In The Art of Living first course, a powerful breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya is taught. It incorporates breathing, yoga and meditation to make the body dispose of toxins and to purify it on a cellular level. Not only does it reduce stress, it also improves sleep and strengthens the immune system while energizing you and giving you greater clarity of mind.

The Art of Living Philippines chapter coordinator Nameeta Dargani adds,  “just as one brushes teeth and showers daily to maintain hygiene, a quick daily practice (of Sudarshan Kriya) helps keep the mind clear and centered, ready and refreshed for daily action.”

The Art of Silence takes from the Sudarshan Kriya lifestyle and further enhances one's awareness to come into true relaxation and unshakeable stability via conscious silence. Nameeta elaborates, "Practicing silence is more important today than ever before. These days our senses are constantly bombarded by smart phones and other media outlets wanting our attention. This leaves our mind with more thoughts and less rest. Our mind even gets used to this level of stimulation and activity and expects it. The silence from the Art of Living course is an inner, joyful silence that cultures our senses to reset and calm the mind, to experience true peace which is our nature and our birth right."

When it comes to tuning in, the task becomes easier when put in the right setting. Away from the city's hustle-and-bustle, The Farm, renowned internationally for its award-winning raw vegan food and top-notch health and wellness facilities bring The Art of Living experience on a more enhanced and conducive level. "Things work better with some anger. Anger is good if you are aware of it. It should last only as long as a line drawn on water. Some carry anger from the previous day, previous month or (from) ten years ago. The mind suffers," remarks Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who urges us to get out of such cumbersome negativity. Many of us want to but don't know how to stop falling back into the trappings of these emotions. If these Art of Living courses is the door, this writer can't wait to step in. And if breath is indeed life, we should breathe wisely.

The Art of Living will hold course one from July 26 to 28 and course two, The Art of Silence from August 29 to September 2 both at The Farm in San Benito, which recently was awarded the Best Medical Wellness Resort worldwide at the International Tourismus Borse (ITB) in Berlin, Germany. The Art of Living courses are paired with special rates at The Farm. Some who have taken the courses have had pivotal life-changing results.

“Many people feel a great sense of release like they have dropped baggage that they have been carrying around for years,” shares Nameeta.  

For Art of Living course information, call (+63) 917 840 8833 or visit www.artofliving.org

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