Sun, sea, sand, and a hahahappy time in Amorita

When friends go out of town or elsewhere, they would say: “Let’s invite Elvie, so it would be more fun.” Laughter adds spice and fun to life. Happy people exude magical and healing effects to those around them. Documented research has proven laughter’s enormous benefits on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Laughter is a great workout that boosts the immune system, increases blood circulation and one’s threshold for pain. 

From London, I immediately proceeded to Amorita Resort in Bohol, where I was invited by Marivic del Pilar several months ago for Gerry Villa’s 70th birth anniversary that coincided with the grand reunion of the Hernandez family of the famed Victory Liner. Laughter Yoga leaders Lynda Geraldez and Liza Spaargen joined me, as both Marivic and Gerry are certified LYoga leaders, too, along with my long-time Girl Friday, Racquel Bañoc, an invaluable help in LYoga matters, for a much-deserved break. 

Amorita resort’s location is amazing! When we entered its gate, I noticed the resort is just on the same level as the road — no drama at all. Very ordinary and unimpressive at first sight.   Surprise, surprise! When I went to the back side where the lanai, swimming pool and garden and some rooms are, a spectacular view awaited —Amorita resort’s tip is nestled above the seashore! It is on a hilltop that I had to navigate its stairway to reach the seashore, where a string of resorts is located.

Thankfully, my room was at the end of the three-storey building that awesomely overlooks the swimming pool, garden, the sea, and the shore. Still suffering from jet lag and could not sleep, in the stillness of the night, I went to the balcony to view the calm sea and listen to the calming-to-the-nerves rolling in and out of the waves. “In quietness and confidence, great ideas are fashioned.” The first thing I did on a picture-perfect morning was to go to the balcony, feast my eyes on the fantastic view, breathe the fresh sea air, meditate, and say my thanksgiving prayers for God’s blessings for all — especially the sick, struggling, suffering, hungry people worldwide.. 

After taking hot milk, I did yoga poses and deep breathing to cleanse my lungs of the polluted air from the city. Then down to the seashore for one of my life’s simple joys — walking barefoot on the sand!   Racquel suggested covering me with sand for its therapeutic effect and healing, so I readily agreed. Initially, feeling uneasy and uncomfortable, I took my mind off my body, and concentrated on the happy things during my LYoga sessions. I felt sooo good that I did the sun-sand bathing again the following morning. Gerry, who was passing by, saw me buried in the sand, and pronto, she asked to be covered with sand, too.

On the morning of Gerry’s birthday, it was announced that an LYoga session would be conducted. Very typical of some participants’ initial reaction was: Jose del Pilar’s:   “When informed about the Laughter Yoga session to be conducted by Ms. Elvie, I just grinned and told myself, ‘What a waste of time.’ Before that, I had the impression that laughter comes naturally and spontaneously for a good reason and with some purpose. Laughing for no reason at all I thought was stupid and crazy. With nothing to do and out of curiosity, I attended the session. Lo and behold, during and after the session, I was laughing to my heart’s delight. My impression about Laughter Yoga was completely reversed. Try it and be captivated by it.”

Based on unconditional laughter, my kind of Laughter Yoga does not use any props, living true to the LYoga dictum of “laughing  for no reason at all.” LYoga does not rely on humor or comedy — making it the easiest and simplest exercise for mind-and-body rejuvenation.

 Fr. Ernie de Leon, Panglao’s parish priest, excitingly approached me after the session and said he was an avid reader of my “inspiring” monthly “Thoughts To Guide Us By,” even quoting them, whenever appropriate, in his homily. After experiencing the-relaxing-and-de-stressing-LYoga session, Fr. Ernie happily said he would demonstrate the exercises to his parishioners   — as laughter has been proven scientifically to be both preventive and therapeutic. 

People doing Laughter Yoga regularly reported amazing improvements in their health, a more positive mental attitude, and better energy level. Participants say they do not get sick often and the occurrence of colds and flu was drastically reduced. There are also reports of partial or total cure of most stress-related illnesses like hypertension, heart disease, depression, asthma, arthritis, allergies, stiff muscles, etc. Laughter indeed is nature’s best cure for stress!

Inspiring comments from the participants:     

Gerarda Villa: What I learned I shall never forget for they will help in my everyday life.

Nikki Cauton: A very enriching and energetic activity. Raised energy level of the participants.

Rocky Hernandez: Thank you for the unique experience. I felt the benefits of the laughter exercises. I hope this type of yoga becomes more popular.   

Eric Isaac: Very hilarious and relaxing.

Jack Hernandez: Good, funny, and entertaining.

Fr. Ernie de Leon: Great, energetic, energizing.                        

Marivic del Pilar: You think you were only laughing, but it actually was an exercise! We were sweating.

Vicky Hernandez: Very helpful, relaxing, and healing.

* * *

The next LYoga session is for RCBC’s 500 employees at Dusit Thani Hotel. E-mail me at: Visit: To laugh, visit youtube: lycphohohahaha. To those e-mailing me, thank you for your understanding and patience. I will respond to you ASAP.

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