Chewy calcium supplement soon available

MANILA, Philippines - We all know that calcium is good for our bones. TV commercials, print ads, and, more importantly, our doctors constantly remind us of it.

The thing is, a lot of women are not very keen on meeting their daily calcium requirements, probably because most calcium supplements come in tablet form that are too large and simply difficult to swallow, or in powder form that’s a hassle to prepare, not to mention dealing with the chalky taste.

Pascual Consumer Healthcare Corp. (PCHC) of PascualLab, one of the country’s most respected pharmaceutical companies, knows this predicament of women only too well. PCHC recognizes that what women, especially those entering middle age and have busy careers, need is a calcium supplement that not only keeps them healthy, but also something they would actually look forward to taking on a daily basis.

PascualLab thought that if it could offer a supplement in chewable form, why not make those chewable delights available in not just one, but two, well-loved mouthwatering flavors?

On top of that, why not take it a notch higher and fortify that calcium supplement with essential vitamins: vitamin D that promotes calcium absorption, bone growth and bone remodeling, and vitamin K that helps protect the heart against calcium build-up in the arteries and also helps prevent osteoporosis, heart conditions, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

PascualLab is excited to introduce this first and only calcium product of its kind. With this amazing calcium supplement, women will now have an easy and delicious way of getting all the calcium they need to strengthen the bones, while protecting the heart. They can now actually say goodbye to the chore of taking calcium, as they look forward to their daily calcium dose with this soft and chewy calcium supplement.

This calcium supplement will be available soon in leading drugstores and health stores nationwide.

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