Detox flush workshop set

MANILA, Philippines - A detox flush workshop is scheduled on Aug. 27-28, Saturday and Sunday, at the Manila Peninsula Hotel.

The workshop is organized by fashion designer and holistic advocate Jean Goulbourn.

“My passion for the holistic lifestyle was cultivated by personal and family-related experiences which served as the driving force for me to seek options that work.The search has led me to an insightful transformation in my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state. Most of the people whom I have encountered at that time — those who have positively contributed to my well-being — have joined me in my advocacy for holistic health.May you reap the boundless benefits of HASH as I, my family, and friends continually take pleasure in. May you move forward, strengthened with an understanding and awareness of what it takes to live a life of harmony and balance in mind, body, and spirit,” says Goulbourn.

HASH’s expertise and passion lie in complete healthcare delivery. It designs balanced non-invasive solutions through interactive workshops. The best practices of Western medicine and Eastern healing modalities are combined to focus on the root cause of a problem, ailment or disease. Addressing the real issues and needs of its clients is key to its success.

 It has been known to have effectively reversed diseases and successfully freed people from the burden of maintenance medication – through non-invasive methods.

 Workshops cover the following programs: disease prevention, disease intervention (for cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, asthma, allergy, etc.), fatigue and stress management, weight management, beauty, anti-aging, image building, energy healing, body balance, pain management, and cigarette addiction cessation.

Visit HASH is recognized and accredited by the Philippine government as a local and international health service provider.

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