Cavities can lead to stroke

MANILA, Philippines - Did you know that you can prevent life-threatening diseases by going to the dentist?

If you are among the 90 percent of Filipinos who have dental cavities but dread going to the dentist because of fear of pain and needles, pay attention because your life could be in danger.

These bacteria called plaque cling to your teeth and give off toxins that destroy the bones holding your teeth in place. Unfortunately, the damage doesn’t stop there; bacteria migrate from the plaque and enter your bloodstream.

These bacteria often attack the vessels where they can reside such as the carotid  arteries which supply the head and neck with oxygenated blood  and increase the risk of stroke.

The results of a research published in the Journal of Periodontology shows that periodontal or gum diseases such as gingivitis may increase the risk of respiratory infections, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia.

Not only do respiratory infections occur because of bacteria build-up in your mouth but so can heart diseases and stroke. “The inflammation of the gums may create a chronic inflammation response in other parts of the body,” says Gan Advanced Osseointegration Center (GAOC) managing director and orthodontist Dr. Cherrie Anne Cruz. “Thus, the risk of heart problems is increased by up to 300 percent when certain types of bacteria are present inside your mouth.”

And how about adding 20 years to your life? New dental technologies are telling us that this is possible.

“Losing your tooth because of gum problems can cost you more than just embarrassment; it can also affect your bite, the way you chew and digest your food, and the way you talk,” says Dr. Cruz. “Not only will you experience pain if you avoid your dentist, it will also cost you a large amount of money once you get into more serious health problems.”         

Paying a visit to trusted dental clinics such as GAOC  a dental center that specializes in oral diagnostic and surgical procedures, dental implantology, and jaw reconstruction  will help bring back the smile you have always wanted and prevent you from acquiring further diseases.

GAOC uses state-of-the-art equipment using cutting-edge technology in procedures such as teeth whitening, restorative tooth bonding and filling, and gum recontouring to help you establish optimal health and keep you away from diseases.

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