How to get the best and cleanest water

MANILA, Philippines - The rainy season is upon us and with it comes a host of problems with regard to ensuring access to clean water.

As we begin to experience heavy rains, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure clean water. This is because the aging water lines in the metro have numerous holes and leaks where contaminated floodwater can seep in. This increases your risk of getting water-borne diseases like cholera, typhus, and dysentery. The problem is so serious that the World Health Organization reports that unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene claim the lives of an estimated 1.5 million children under the age of five each year.

Realizing this problem, Aquabest, one of the leading water refilling stations in the country, has launched its “Shift Happens” campaign that seeks to change the way we see and experience water. The campaign introduces structured water to the country. Structured water is water that has been improved to enhance its healing and restorative properties. This, combined with its advanced filtration technologies, means consumers will get the best water possible.

Here are some tips to ensure you get the best and cleanest water:

Check your water supply. The first step to ensure that you get clean water is to check it for any problems. Ask yourself: Is the water clear? Are there any sediments or particles in the water? Are there any strange smells in the water? If your answer is yes to any of these, you might need to have your water checked at a laboratory or you can buy some test kits from chemical supply stores.

Ditch the tap. During the rainy season, the floodwaters may seep into leaky water pipes and bring in bacteria and chemical contaminants. That is why it may be safer to order bottled water, which undergoes stringent filtration methods. A good choice for households would be Aquabest, being nationally recognized with a long record of excellence. Aquabest uses advanced technologies like reverse osmosis filters that eliminate all bacterial, viral, chemical, and mechanical contaminants, ensuring you get only the very best water.

• Invest in filtration. Use a filter for your drinking water, at a minimum. If your water is contaminated, bathing in the water can be harmful as well. So, you should also consider filtering your bath water. Most filters can be bought at hardware stores and industrial supply shops. This option, however, requires constant maintenance since parts may need replacing and most home-grade filters may not clear up all contaminants. Despite these limitations, it would be wise to invest in even basic filtration.

Use cold water for drinking/cooking. Hot water tends to dissolve unwanted toxins more quickly than cold water. As a result, only use cold water for drinking, making coffee or cooking. If you want hot water to drink, heat cold water on the stove or microwave.

Apart from providing consumers with clean water, Aquabest structured water improves on water’s inherent healing properties, allowing it to penetrate your cells to their very core, hydrating and at the same time flushing away toxins from your body and making you feel good and refreshed.

Bring your own water. If you are exercising outdoors, make sure that you take your own water in a safe water bottle to ensure that you are drinking filtered water. Structured water offers athletes and health buffs the same hydrating ability of sports drinks without the food colorings that accompany conventional sports drinks. Being more efficient than ordinary water in hydrating the body, structured water is perfect for athletes who are looking for quick hydration on the go.

Aquabest structured water is available in select convenience stores and nearly 500 Aquabest stores located nationwide.

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