Suzi Abrera: Empowered woman

MANILA, Philippines - Suzi Abrera makes her role as a celebrity mom appear breezy and fun, although the down-to-earth celebrity admits to occasional bouts of fatigue when juggling demands of career and parenting. But her gift of gab and sense of humor are always her strong points.

Suzi reflects on the priorities of modern-day moms like her: “A lot of women are empowered with the feeling of accomplishment at home, first and foremost, and then in the workplace.”

It wasn’t a smooth, easy ride in the beginning, and she had to learn to set her priorities right along the way. Today, home and family come first: Sipping coffee with husband Paolo to talk about how their day went, and rollicking workout sessions with the whole brood are high on her priority list.

To manage the household, she has learned to develop her own strategies through the years. For starters, the interior pieces in her home are dark-colored (such as the Vigan tiles in the dining area) so they don’t require fussy cleanup work (which, for Suzi, means no figurines that have to be cleaned using a toothbrush to reach the tiniest grooves).

When Suzi tidies up the house, she draws up a cleaning plan that she and her team of househelp adhere to, with everyone helping to decide what cleaning products to use at home. One of the brands they have been using is Pine-Sol Cleaner, preferring the Lemon Fresh variant for its refreshing scent. Pine-Sol Cleaner delivers a twin punch of tough cleaning ability and powerful scent of clean, freeing up Suzi for longer hours of domestic pleasures with her hubby and kids Leona, Jade, and Nella, in the secure comfort that true clean has been achieved inside the home.

Pine-Sol Cleaner’s scent of real clean comes in budget-friendly sizes of 250mL and 500mL for Original, Lemon, and Orange scents, available in leading supermarkets nationwide.

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