Leap out to a healthy new shape with Lipout

It is in times like these when the resolve to eat more sensibly flies out the window. With parties coming one after the other and the Filipinos’ penchant for making food an integral part of get-togethers, it cannot be helped that the calories add up. Sure, you can just nibble here and take a small bite there, but it builds up eventually. Like the proverbial drops of water that soon fill up a bucket to the brim, you realize that the “tiny mouthfuls” have accumulated to give you a slight paunch. Or jiggly, fatty upper arms. Or the beginnings of thunder thighs. Gasp!

Brown is beautiful: Kalinayan at kamote, brown upland rice, adds fiber to your diet.Geronimo

But the physical effects of too much fat in your body are the least of your worries. Medical experts warn that diseases like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer are linked to being overweight. There is a need to eat right and cut down those extra pounds. But undoubtedly, this can be a major sacrifice in a season of eating. Low-fat alternatives? You can pretend that they’re all right. But if you’re being absolutely honest to yourself, food just doesn’t taste the same as when it is done the old-fashioned, slow-cooked Filipino way.

Opportunely, there is a new natural fat binder that is out to counter the effects of delicious but fatty food: Lipout. This is a product whose main ingredient is Litramine, a patented fiber complex derived from organically grown cactus plants. Litramine contains two types of fibers: the non-soluble fibers and soluble fibers; that have lipophilic and hydrophilic capacities respectively.

The mode of action is simple. The non-soluble fibers in Lipout are lipophilic or “fat-loving” so that they bind with dietary fat in the stomach to form a fat-fiber complex. Since this is too large to be absorbed, it is eliminated naturally when one goes to the toilet. On the other hand, soluble fibers in Litramine are hydrophilic or water-loving, and have the capacity to absorb water to form a viscous gel. This results in a “bulking effect” which helps increase one’s feeling of satiety. Reducing food cravings, in turn, results in decreased food intake and fewer calories consumed. Hence, it is easy to understand how Lipout allows adult men and women to take more effective control of their weight and health. A sensible diet, combined with exercise, will optimize results with Lipout even more.

But what about side effects and safety concerns? Unlike other products that prevent absorption of dietary fat, there are no unpleasant or potentially embarrassing side effects. Because the dietary fat is eliminated naturally, users do not have to worry about oily leakages, loose bowel movement or flatulence. Lipout is natural and organic; and is certified by EcoCert, one of the world leaders in the certification of organic products. The recommendation is to take two to three tablets after each main meal, but the dosage can be increased to three to four tablets after indulging in particularly fatty foods. However, Lipout users are advised to drink six to eight glasses of water to avoid constipation from the fat-fiber complex; and should not exceed nine tablets daily.

Fiber power: Litramine, a patented fiber complex that helps with healthy weight management, is derived from organically grown cactus plants.

To diet for: Glenda Barretto’s very own kare-kare

How effective is Lipout in binding fat? A standardized binding test for the product demonstrated that one gram of Lipout was able to bind 19 grams of mayonnaise, 12 grams of butter, and eight grams of olive oil. But not content to depend on the study results alone, we headed off to Via Mare where Glenda Barretto, doyenne of Filipino cooking, prepared a menu of traditional Filipino favorites. We started off with tinola flan, an innovative take on traditional chicken soup with ginger and lemongrass where the broth was thickened to a delicious smooth, flan-like consistency with egg whites; and quickly moved on to comfort foods of crispy binagoongan and kare-kare. This came with kalinayan at kamote, upland brown rice cooked with cubes of yellow sweet potato to add fiber to the meal. Dessert was halo-halo and guinumis na mais.

To cap it all off, two tablets of Lipout. The result? No discomfort, no guilt. And thorough enjoyment of traditional favorites that weight-watchers usually eschew. We were confident that Lipout was doing its job from within.

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