Fiber power

MANILA, Philippines - Although there are other foods that are high in fiber, like black beans, cereals or oats, nothing quite compares to the amount of fiber Psyllium offers. Every 100 grams of Psyllium is equivalent to 71 grams of soluble fiber, while 100 grams of oat bran can only give five grams of soluble fiber. The great news is there’s now an easy way for you to enjoy all the health benefits of Psyllium: with C-Lium Fibre. Because it’s made from 100-percent natural Psyllium husk, C-Lium Fibre has up to 14 times more fiber than oatmeal or cereal. One tablespoon of C-Lium every day is all it takes to get a powerhouse of fiber goodness needed by your body. For inquiries, consumers can e-mail: or call Pascual Consumer Health at 920-9111 local 600.

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