Put zing - and zinc - in your kid's diet

MANILA, Philippines - The best natural sources of zinc are meats, chicken, salmon, nuts, cheeses, whole grains, and milk. However, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of zinc varies per person. For adults, zinc RDA is 8 to 11 mg. while for children, five to eight mg. a day.

While it may seem easy to meet this requirement, the body can only absorb 15 to 40 percent of zinc even if you consume foods that have high zinc content.

If your main concern is to maximize your kid’s growth, you have to combine zinc with taurine and lysine. Taurine, a building block for some amino acids, helps improve metabolism and prevents growth retardation. Lysine, on the other hand, is essential to bone and muscle development in children.

For a supplement that has the right dietary combination of vitamins and minerals designed to be properly absorbed and used by the body, give your kids Hi-Smart multivitamins.

Aside from B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, and iron, Hi-Smart multivitamins are packed with TLZ — taurine, lysine, and zinc, the three essentials which help children grow taller, stronger, and become smarter.

For more information about Hi-Smart multivitamins, visit www.hi-smart.ph.

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