No kidding! It's YogaKids!

MANILA, Philippines - Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, YogaKids is a fun and exciting way to learn science, anatomy, math, reading, language, creative arts, and love for Mother Earth. YogaKids was founded by Marsha Wenig during the early ’90s with the vision of educating the child holistically by helping him to be in tune with his three selves: mind, body, and heart.

Michelle Aventajado, certified YogaKids instructor, says that yoga empowers children to become more aware of themselves and the world around them, while strengthening them in all aspects — physically, emotionally, and mentally. This helps a child become not just healthy in body but one who is equipped with emotional and mental well-being, too.

During a YogaKids class, one would hear the children affirming their mantras such as: “I will always do my personal best” and “I love and honor my body” as well as “I honor my place in the web of life and know I am connected to all of life, animals, plants, people, and the earth.” The program fosters love of self, others, and nature while enhancing the child’s self-esteem.

To supplement her YogaKids classes, Michelle has integrated Grounded Kids, infusing some adult yoga for the bigger kids who might think YogaKids is just for babies. The main difference between YogaKids and Grounded Kids is that students are encouraged to progress through the levels of understanding and are given promotions through the colors of the chakras.

Michelle shares, “Grounded Kids is a great program that could aptly bridge yoga between those yoga kids who have fallen in love with yoga but who aren’t quite big enough to want to enroll in an adult class.”

Through Grounded Kids, the students learn by building on a base and eventually getting to the point where they can go out into the world and share the gift of yoga, too.

 Intrigued by the YogaKids program? Call Michelle Aventajado to find out more at 0920-947-2759.

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