Natural beauty aids from the kitchen

It’s not rare that I get monster zits and nasty rashes on my face after a day of having layers of makeup from either a fashion show or shoot.  It’s no fun looking at the mirror and having a pizza face stare right back at you knowing that chemical-laden products have irritated my skin. 

When bad skin happens to good people, sometimes a quick dash to the spa and getting a facial may be the easy solution. However, it’s not exactly the most cost-effective one, especially in these trying times of the recession. 

So lately, I’ve resorted to looking no further than my own kitchen when using everyday ingredients on my face. I’m always on the quest to find earth-friendly alternatives to most things, and while most of the stuff I usually buy in the stores are the natural and organic ones, I’ve decided to take it even one step further by making some at home using simple ingredients.

I tested these natural beauty recipes on myself for several weeks and the results, I must say, are no less than impressive. It’s a win-win situation: You save money, and using natural ingredients is safer on your skin. Here’s a rundown on some of my favorite DIY at-home skincare.

Try these out for yourself, and let me know what you think. 

Olive oil as makeup remover

We all know the benefits of consuming good fats like extra virgin olive oil, but they also work wonders for the skin when applied topically. 

Makeup removers and cleansing oils can get pricey, but good ol’ EVOO (as Rachel Ray puts it) wipes away foundation, liquid eyeliner, and even waterproof mascara in a flash.

Olive oil does not clog your pores or irritate your eyes, so it’s completely safe. 

It also moisturizes the skin, as well as your eyelashes, but be sure to wash your face as you normally would after you use it to remove your makeup. 

Simply pour some on a cotton pad and let the olive oil do its magic.

Papaya non-chemical peel

Chemical peels have also been the must-have treatment, especially among those who want to achieve smooth and less wrinkled skin. 

There are many types of chemical solutions used, but needless to say are very harsh as the concentration of acids used is much higher than, say, buying a regular alpha hydroxy acid face mask at the department store. If you’ve tried this treatment, or have seen someone who’s had it, you know what I mean when your face can look quite unsightly for the next few days. Or you can just think of Samantha from that episode from Sex and the City where her face looked redder than a tomato. 

Papaya contains an enzyme that dissolves the top outermost layer of your skin. All you need is a bit of the pulp by scraping the leftover from inside of the peel (after you’ve opened and sliced it), rub it on to a clean face and neck, and then wait for five to 10 minutes. You may feel a slight tingling as the juice dries, but that just means that the papaya enzymes are working their way to dissolving your dead skin cells.

Remember, if you have sensitive skin, are on Accutane medication, or just recently got sunburned, you may want to do a small patch test first on your skin before doing both the baking soda microdermabrasion and the papaya peel treatment. Also avoid too much sun exposure after doing either one, because though they are both relatively safe, your skin’s new layer will be very sensitive to the sun afterward. 

Ice cube facial

If you pulled an all-nighter either working overtime or having fun on a Saturday night, you’re likely to wake up with puffy eyes and tired-looking skin in the morning. 

Instead of using those gel masks that you freeze overnight and placing it on your face for five minutes, a quicker way to do it is to simply grab a small ice cube from the freezer and gently run it all over your face and carefully under your eyes until it melts.

Your skin instantly feels refreshed and more awake, and the cold ice quickly de-puffs the bags under your eyes. 

Sugar and olive oil lip exfoliator

When my lips get really dry, cracked, and start to peel, it feels really uncomfortable and definitely does not look sexy.

I’ve tried all kinds of lip exfoliators, and by far, this simple home remedy works best for me. 

Mix a small amount of sugar with olive oil to make a paste and rub it on your lips until the dead skin cells have sloughed off. 

Just wipe off the sugar to leave a bit of olive oil residue to moisturize your lips and get ready to pucker up!

Baking soda for microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a popular treatment offered at spas or dermatologists to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells on your face using fine crystals. 

Done regularly, it lessens and fades the appearance of scars, age spots, uneven skin tone, fine lines, and even helps treat acne. Well, you can get a safe yet effective alternative to that at home just by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water. 

Just very lightly massage it onto your face and throat, rinse, and you’re done. 

This literally costs you next to nothing compared to getting a professional treatment, and no appointment is necessary.

Try these out for yourself, and let me know what you think. 

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