Rosa Rosal: The lady is a vamp

Rosa Rosal marks her 55th year of volunteer service in the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) with the declaration that she has no intention of slowing down, much less giving up what her heart has always yearned to do: To be of service to her fellowmen.

"I feel so fulfilled when I know I have made a difference in the life of a person," she says, "like when I graduated 70 college students through my scholarship program that I funded using the cash prize that came with the Ramon Magsaysay Award. I want to keep going to serve and serve well."

"The Red Cross blood service remains my principal focus now, plus my other charity work," adds Tita Rose, who has refused several well-paying job offers as well as invitations to run for a political position.

"For this reason, you could say I am somebody who thirsts for blood. I want blood. I want more blood; nothing else will do," she quips with a joyful mood. "Seriously, I wish to appeal to all kind-hearted souls to come and donate blood to the Red Cross. Blood is life. Let us give the gift of life to our fellowmen in need."

Tita Rose, who is currently a member of the governing board of Philippine National Red Cross, lives a full and charmed life, with her lovely daughter, actress Toni Rose Gayda, and two grandsons.

She adds that she cannot ask for more: "I feel so blessed. My only prayer is to be able to serve more people."

Most folk her age would simply be content spending their days in relaxed retirement, basking in a life well lived, but Rosa Rosa, at 74, just keeps on going – and even continues to reap prestigious awards and recognition from various organizations, including the academe.

On April 11 this year, Tita Rose, as she prefers to be called, was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, by Far Eastern University (FEU) during its commencement exercises at the PICC Plenary Hall.

Dr. Lydia B. Echauz, president of FEU, disclosed that Tita Rose was unanimously voted by the board of trustees to receive the award after deliberating on her achievement and track record.

Prior to that, on February 23, Tita Rose was honored with the 7th Peace Award by Rotary International District 3830 and Rotary Club of Makati San Lorenzo, in cooperation with the City of Makati.

The Rotary Peace Award is given annually to a distinguished person who excelled in the promotion of peace, freedom and justice, and preservation of life.

The first awardee during its launching on February 25, 1998 was former President Corazon C. Aquino. Subsequent awards were conferred on former President Fidel V. Ramos, His Eminence Jaime Cardinal Sin, His Eminence Ricardo Vidal, Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes, Gina Lopez, and Father James P. Reuter, SJ.

Tita Rose, whose name is synonymous with the Red Cross, was honored for her contribution to humanitarian service. She was cited "for her pivotal role in PNRC and for selflessly uplifting and preserving respect for human life and dignity of every Filipino."

Add to these the more than 100 other distinguished awards from national and international organizations, including the movie industry where she is still active, about which Tita Rose could only say that she is "humbled by all the recognition, some of which are from people I have never met or from organizations I’ve never worked with. To me, that is a much-cherished and objective form of recognition."

"Helping people is my way of life. I am strengthened every time I work an extra mile for others," she declares.

Asked what she considers the best award, Tita Rose replies, "The most precious reward I get is when I know I have saved a life because of the blood we gave."

Now you know why this lady is a vamp.

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