Rainy season alert

When the rains come, can waterborne diseases be far behind? The onset of the rainy season brings a stream of waterborne diseases like typhoid fever, dysentery, respiratory ailments, and dengue. ’Tis the season, too, for flu, coughs, and colds. Is that a cacophony of coughing I hear in the background as I write this? Achoo! Bless you! But you and I know that when somebody in the room sneezes, everybody catches a cold. Bless us!

When we were schoolkids, we always prayed for a typhoon so classes would be suspended – and likewise those dreaded surprise quizzes/exams. (I guess today’s schoolchildren are not a shade different.) Traffic was impossible and the streets were often impassable due to the floods, and jeepney drivers resorted to "cutting trips" (well, some things never change). So, we would be forced to walk home. Or to wade in the floodwaters. Probably the only thing kids (or their parents) worried about then was spoiling/soiling their good old, all-weather Gregg leather shoes. Well, times have certainly changed. Today, health authorities warn the public against leptospirosis, a deadly disease transmitted through floodwaters contaminated by the urine and feces of rodents. Particularly vulnerable are those with open wounds especially in the lower extremities.

The public is also advised to:

• Boil drinking water and wash hands (or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer) before cooking or handling food. Remember that the hands are the primary medium for transferring viruses.

• Empty open containers such as drums and even old tires of stagnant water, which are breeding grounds for dengue carrier mosquitoes.

• If possible, avoid people with colds or flu. Infected adults can pass on the infection to others four days before the symptoms begin to about five days after onset.

• Use a tissue when you sneeze or cough to avoid spreading droplets containing the virus.

• Eat a balanced diet and take supplements to strengthen your immune system.

And, of course, don’t let the rains dampen your spirits.
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Think green
Is the skyrocketing cost of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) giving you king-size gas pains? Then think green. Shift to green charcoal, a more energy-efficient, cost-effective, healthy, and eco-friendly alternative to LPG, so suggests Gene Romero of Alternative LyfStyle Marketing & Consultancy.

Gene reports, "Green charcoal is surprisingly made from your domestic and agro-wastes, thereby converting this biomass into a replenishable and readily available high energy source."

According to inventor Gonzalo "Jun" Catan Jr., the green charcoal technology employs a simple production process of converting wastes into green charcoal in the form of fire-logs, pellets, and briquettes. This new technology opens up a wide opportunity for organic cooking.

Why shift to green charcoal – or green charcoal hydrogenated fuel (GCHF)? Consider the following benefits:

• Green charcoal technology reduces indoor pollution and promotes healthy cooking. Many may not know it, but studies on LPG indicate that frequent exposure to LPG/nitrogen dioxide even in its lowest level inhibits respiration by attacking the mucus membranes of the lungs. Exposure to LPG decreases brain activity by interfering with the flow of oxygen. It causes oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids of cell membranes to form highly active free radicals whereby protein structure is altered. It forms nitrosamines, a potent carcinogen.

• Green charcoal assures the user of about 20 percent monthly savings over LPG. On a larger scale, it reduces dependence on imported fuel, thus saving millions of dollars.

• Risk of gas explosion is naturally eliminated.

• The technology converts wastes into a super efficient, convenient, safer, and eco-friendly household and commercial fuel. Thus, it reduces wastes.

• It can prevent forest destruction as destructive kaingin and wood charcoal use are dramatically reduced. The long-term benefit of this technology is a sustainable, alternative, and eco-friendly charcoal industry which can result in job creation in the countryside.

• The resulting ash can be used for cleaning kitchen wares and utensils. Ash serves as odor neutralizer/eliminator for animal/pet droppings, urine, and other obnoxious smells; acts as fly repellant as well as organic fertilizer or soil conditioner.

For his very hot, eco-friendly invention, Jun Catan was awarded a bronze medal in Geneva, Switzerland in 1996. He further developed the green charcoal hydrogen stove, appropriate for his green charcoal, for both domestic and industrial/commercial use. However, one can always make use of any ordinary charcoal stove for domestic use.

Your healthy lifestyle provider Gene Romero can only savor this thought: "Grilling your favorite steak or lechon manok, or that mouthwatering panga ng tuna the eco-friendly way is now a reality!"

If this has gotten you all fired up about green cooking, here’s more: There’s a green charcoal and cooking exhibit titled "World Environment Celebration: Para sa Inang Kalikasan" and set on June 18-25 at the National Ecology Center (fronting the Philippine Heart Center), East Avenue, Quezon City. The event is sponsored by the Zero Waste Recycling Movement of the Philippines Foundation Inc. and organized by AlterMktg. For inquiries, call telefax 925-4718/0918-4210729 (look for Abet/Nita Abaquin) or telefax 655-5674/0917-4777749 (look for Gene Romero).
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Paging all ‘konsyumers’
Konsyumer Atbp., the Department of Trade and Industry’s consumer education radio program in partnership with the Philippine Product Safety and Quality Foundation (PPSQF) and ABS-CBN, will continue its run over DZMM 630 kHz for the second season. This is in response to the need to open the lines of communication of the DTI, other government agencies, and private industries so that they may better address/redress consumer complaints.

Debuting on the air last Feb. 19, the program airs live every Saturday from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

DTI, PPSQF, and ABS-CBN are signing a Memorandum of Agreement to formalize the renewed partnership for the new season. Signatories include Bureau of Public Standards director Jesus Motoomull, PPSQF chairman Meneleo Carlos Jr., ABS-CBN VP for radio Peter Musngi, ABS-CBN director for sales Emmanuel Tadeo, and DZMM station manager Angelo Palmones. Konsyumer Atbp. anchors Atty. Adrian Cristobal Jr. and Winnie Cordero will also be there.
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