The country is very fortunate to have the brilliant Senator Juan Flavier who, despite being schooled in the allopathic method, realized the benefits of both traditional and alternative methods of healing. The PITAHC, the government agency tasked to implement the law, is vigorously pursuing its mandate with other NGOs, government agencies, herbal and natural product industries, and practitioners of traditional and alternative health care modalities, including iridology, the study of the markings in the iris of the eye.
It is interesting to note that more and more medical doctors in our country are expanding their vision to include other modalities of healing. With PITAHC, we will soon have the standardization and legalization of the other healing modalities.
Iridology is one of the sciences that are now currently being studied for standardization and legalization. The implementation of the PITAHC policy on iridology will eliminate all "overnight, untrained and fake" iridologists (persons who read a book in iridology and instantly claim to be iridologists) and will ensure that the latest findings in the science are whats taught and implemented. Rules on iridology instructors and schools will also be regulated to ensure quality training at all times.
When iridology was introduced in the country in the mid-80s, the method used was mainly based on the teachings of Dr. Bernard Jensen, who is known as the father of American iridology. However, from the first teachings of American iridology, major discoveries have been proven scientifically, which makes the older American model obsolete. Thus, it is mandatory to learn the new findings in this science, if one wants to continue to practice Iridology.
The International Iridology Practitioners Association, (IIPA), a US association and certifying body for iridologists worldwide, now gives certification courses in the Philippines and focuses on all the latest findings of the science. IIPA promotes accurate iridology, provides professional standards through certification examinations and maintains an active research department. It is fortunate these international standards will now be used as model guide for the standardization of iridology in our country, too.
It is now mandatory to have an 80-hour course on Anatomy and Physiology in order to be certified as an iridologist, aside from the 40-hour basic class that should focus on the latest findings and developments of the science. European iridology has become the main method used by modern iridologists because this model has been scientifically researched for over a hundred years now and clinical evidence via x-rays, ultrasound, autopsy, and other scientific methods verifies is basic tenets. This is why iridology is widely accepted in Europe as an adjunct tool for analysis by medical doctors and other health care practitioners. In fact, it has been a subject in medical schools in Russia for many years now. The new findings will eliminate the old method that was disease-oriented and has caused some trouble with other medical practitioners as the science was misapplied.
The European method uses the constitutional approach and is an excellent tool of assessment that will assist a health practitioner in determining the genetic predispositions of their client or patient. It is the only tool that can tell a person the direction of his health if he does not follow the steps to rightful living. All other analytical and diagnostic tools and tests will inform you of your current condition or past conditions, but it is only iridology that can inform you of your inherent deficiencies and pinpoint those areas in the body that are most likely to get compromised by wrong eating habits. This makes iridology the best tool for preventive medicine.
By observing the valuable information the iris gives, we can better understand the complexities that make each of us unique and how different therapies and modalities may be utilized to convert an area of imbalance in the body. The sooner these areas are identified, the more easily and effectively the bodys self-healing process can be implemented.
Iridology is a tool for all health care practitioners. It is a wonderful tool for medical doctors, herbalists, acupuncturists, homeopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, psychologists, and many others in the healing world. Each of the above health practitioners can use the information the eye reveals, like its strengths and weak spots, and apply the healing modality that they specialize in to correct the imbalance in the body. As a certified iridologist, he can identify your bodys strengths and deficiencies and empower you to make the necessary lifestyle changes that will spell better health.
IIPA certification courses are scheduled until April 29 in Metro Manila. Call for schedules for Cagayan de Oro, Davao, and Baguio City. Special group classes may be given to interested parties. For more information, call the Philippine Institute of Naturopathic Sciences at 724-1093/4 or text 0920-907-3075.