Enjoying the moment with your kids

The other day must have been one of the busiest days of our lives. Anthony and I was in the process of ending an out-of-town, two-day planning seminar we organized for our company when our cook called to say that our precious beagle (of 10 years) Martha was rushed to the hospital for an emergency hysterectomy. I was so affected by it but tried very hard to get a hold of myself until the seminar ended. It was just difficult to be away and have her go through such a difficult procedure. All I could do was pray and hope for the best. On our way home, we passed by a toy store to get a birthday gift for our son. He turned six that day. As soon as we got home, the vet called to say that we needed to pick up Martha right away as they are not fully equipped to handle confinement of animals. We brought our kids with us and they were just so thrilled to see Martha alive.

It was nearly dinnertime when we got home. The first thing we did was to make sure Martha was comfortable. We briefed everybody including the children on how to make Martha’s recovery swift and peaceful. Our accountant arrived, eager to share with Anthony the financial report she promised to finish. Right after that, we prepared ourselves to entertain friends who were leaving for Cebu the next day. Though it was a last-minute addition to our agenda, we welcomed it because we weren’t sure we’d get to see them again soon. They left just before we put the kids to bed.

Anthony had a short nap which helped him get some energy for his midnight counseling show on TV. I was off to dreamland after that. Whew, what a day, huh?

We don’t always have hectic days like this. Though this one was an exception, it could’ve easily turned into a nightmare but it didn’t. Actually, before I dozed off to sleep, I realized I wasn’t so tired after all and was actually glad to have not only survived but lived a full day. I guess it really helped that neither one of us complained about the busyness of the day or grumbled about what lay ahead of us. I appreciated the fact that with each development, Anthony and I took some moments to encourage each other or try to ask how the other was doing. We also included our children by letting them know the next thing on our list of things to do and by giving them a chance to participate in our agenda, whether it’s caring for a sick dog or welcoming friends. That day, we weren’t so focused on ourselves but others. What a joy to see the kids so gracious with what was supposed to be "their time." They just enjoyed every minute with us and were so thankful for each moment.

These words echoed in my head while going through that hectic day: Examine your reasons for service. "Continually look back to the foundation of your love and affection and remember where your Source of power lies. You have no right to complain, ‘Oh Lord, I am so exhausted.’ He saved and sanctified you to exhaust you. Be exhausted for God but remember that He is your supply," to borrow the words of Oswald Chambers in his book My Utmost for His Highest.

That day, we drew from a Source that didn’t run dry, a well of springs and not a cistern that had holes and could not hold water. May you be strengthened by the same spring today. Be joyful!
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E-mail author at mommytalk@business works.com.ph.

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