15 IT solutions emerge as Cat@lyst finalists

MANILA, Philippines - Cat@lyst, the corporate social responsibility initiative of Tattoo, which aims to promote positive transformation for society, recently announced the selection of finalists pushing for innovative solutions harnessing the potential of information technology.

Out of 119 entries from socially-conscious and IT savvy youth vying for program development, mentorship and ICT support, 15 were chosen as finalists on the strength of the selection criteria’s three pillars: Innovation, demonstrating creativity and originality; Implementation feasibility, that the project is doable within the given timeline and capable to mobilize stakeholders; and Impact, that it should provide a long-lasting solution to an existing problem. They are the following:

• Bloodtype, a web and mobile app designed as an information dissemination mechanism, record keeper and advocacy campaign for blood donation.

• Clinicali, a diagnostic software containing a database of known symptoms and manifestation of neglected tropical diseases with treatment recommendations.

• Direksyon.ph, a web application providing open access to a centralized transport data and various modes of transportation in Metro Manila.

• eTapon, an app allowing households access to options on managing waste disposal.

• FindMyDok, a mobile app that provides real time notifications to patients on accessible doctors and medical specialists within their location.

• Flare App, a live feed into the work strategy of response units during a natural disaster.

• Good Food Rescue, an app connecting volunteers with food institutions and charities to channel excess food to those who need them most.

• iNanay, which will provide modules on prenatal, postnatal and neonatal care among others through SMS advisory and reminder system to pregnant women.

• Prison Telepsychiatry, a two-way live interactive audio-video conferencing meant to improve mental health service delivery in a prison setting.

• Project Laan, a Bantay-Kalusugan SMS system giving subscribers daily updates on Philhealth-related news and means to contact the agency if they have questions on their insurance details

• Re-Store, an online eco-conscious community where Metro-Manila-based individuals or businesses can post unwanted but useable equipment, furniture, books and the like.

• Teach2Read, an e-learning app designed as a pre-school learning tool in reading.

• Time’s Up Tobacco, an online mechanism with user-friendly resources on laws and regulations on ads, sales and promos of tobacco products.

• Travelvocacy.com, an online platform that provides specialized travel packages to the Philippines, that allows adventurers to have fun while also contribute to nation-building along the way.

• WikiPangako.ph, an online database of the promises made by various elected officials featuring crowd-sourced information.

Taking the next step to incubate and transform their ideas into viable programs, proponents of the 15 finalist-entries were invited to participate in the Shapers Lab workshop and seminar last June 22 at the Conference Hall of the Asian Development Bank.

The Shapers Lab also provided an avenue for the finalists to grow and expand their network while sharing their passions with their peers, propose their ideas, refine them through a series of workshops, and be mentored via consultation sessions with panelists comprised of representatives from Globe Bridging Communities, Global Shapers Manila Hub, Kickstart, Groupon and the United Nations Development Program. A pitching session enabled participants to present their proposals to a panel of judges.

From the 15 finalists, five will be selected to win P200,000 cash grants to help put their ideas to actionable programs. Global Shapers Manila Hub, ICT experts, development professionals and Globe BridgeCom officers will assist in implementing the five solutions for a span of three months, including the opportunity to be instituted as part of Globe BridgeCom’s regular programs.

“We are excited to work with the finalists, along with Tattoo and Globe, in transforming winning ideas into effective nation-building solutions. Given that technology plays a critical role in shaping the future, campaigns like Catalyst allows young leaders to channel available technology for the good of the country and the world.” affirmed Lynn Pinugu, current curator of Global Shapers Manila Hub and co-founder & executive director of Mano Amiga Academy.

Dong Ronquillo, head of Nomadic Broadband Business for Tattoo says, “This only proves that there is quite a number of IT-proficient youth out there who would like to harness technology not just for themselves but for the community at large. True to the vision of Tattoo, we believe that this advocacy has harnessed the passions of our young Filipino techies as genuine catalysts of positive change in the country.”

For information, visit www.catalyst.com.ph.


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