Air conditioners powered by the sun

MANILA, Philippines - Drenzo solar-powered hybrid air conditioner utilizes the sun as a heat source to assist the energy to drive the cooling process of the air conditioner, which in turn lowers the electrical consumption required to run the compressor. It utilizes both the condenser and evaporator coil face. And by using a smaller compressor instead of the standard compressor to work together with Drenzo’s solar collector the consumer really saves on electricity, dramatically. 

Drenzo air conditioner saves energy through the solar vacuum tubes that collect heat from the sun and later convert the thermal heat to pressurize the freon to rapid heat exchange and convert it into a coolant. The thermal dynamic process is based on evaporation, carrying heat from one material to another material that can readily absorb heat.

Drenzo air conditioners have a built-in air cleaner for rooms. Available in ceiling or floor type, floor-mounted, cassette and wall-mounted models from 1.5 HP up to 6HP.

For information, call 740-5522, 740-1842, 732-4989, 414-8807, 723-1353, or 410-0844.

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