Sweat inspiration

On the job: Direk Erik Matti never lets them see him sweat on the set.

Living in the Philippines means living in constant motion. Sometimes the motion may be slow (read: traffic on EDSA) but it’s fast, too: hustling in our jobs and fighting the elements, whether rain or shine. It’s no easy task for men or women, which is why arming yourself in every possible way is so important.

It’s good to know, then, that even our underarms can be constantly ready for action through Rexona’s new MotionSense technology. It’s the first and only antiperspirant with a patented technology that is motion-activated, and it comes in variations of Shower Fresh and Ice Cool scents, available as roll-ons or sprays. Once you swipe it on, microcapsules filled with fragrance will burst with friction. Basically, the more you move, the more the deodorant works for you — the fresher you smell throughout the day. Now, no more excuse to keep our butts glued to our seats.

This groundbreaking personal care tech is proud to align itself with the hardworking spirit of many Filipinos. And to pay tribute to these everyday, outstanding efforts, Rexona gathered a bevy of individuals who are representing that dynamism and constant motion towards progress in their respective industries. Called the New Pinoy Movers, this list includes people from all fields: from the arts to entrepreneurship. The New Pinoy Movers are folks many of us look up to, and undoubtedly aspire to be, like theater star Rachel Ann Go (who now plays in Fantine in Les Miserables) and Erwan Heussaff (who has made healthy eating his advocacy through his blog The Fat Kid Inside).

In the fields of film and food, look for filmmaker Erik Matti and chef JP Anglo, two individuals who’ve shaped up to be aspirational for many young people. Erik has been an outspoken advocate of Philippine cinema, and has achieved critical and commercial success through films like On the Job and, more recently, Honor Thy Father. One notable project he’s working on is the new Darna reboot, which he says is a favorite topic among his Instagram followers. “Everything,” he says, “from the plate of food that I eat, they always ask, ‘Who will be Darna??’” (Laughs)

While Erik has been adding feathers to his filmmaking cap, he is still keen on exploring (and re-exploring) other fields of interest, one of which happens to be food. “I used to have a restaurant, but for the past three or four years, I went into filmmaking. All my time was devoted to that,” he shares. “Maybe I’d like to open a small restaurant this year. Only when I can find the right time management.”

As to how he plans on getting everything done, direk Erik’s mantra is simple: “I just do it. Anything that doesn’t concern me at all, I try to compartmentalize, I just do what I wanna do.”

That sort of carpe diem mentality is not lost on chef JP, who ended 2015 at a breakneck speed — driving to La Union for a day of surfing, only to drive back to make it in time for the New Year. Nothing too crazy for a guy who’s been called a “rockstar chef” by critics all over, something that JP shrugs off by saying that the compliment might just allude to an intense passion for food.

Since opening Sarsa and Café Batwan, JP has been constantly busy, but hasn’t lost focus on his passion to promote local ingredients and flavors. He is especially proud of his Bisayan roots, which is evident in the distinctive ingredients found in his food. It’s that determination that has made him smart about his restaurants. While he enjoys their growth, he knows it’s about keeping the quality as high as possible.

And while he’s still as in love with cooking as he’s always been, JP’s goals this year involve more than a dash of salt. Saltwater, that is. “I really wanna be a good surfer, a better surfer,” JP says. “Seriously, I really want to build my test kitchen in Siargao, and maybe attach my GoPro in the kitchen, and sometimes, something just pops up. You’re uninhibited.”

Whenever our idols are on the move — whether in their chosen fields or entirely new ones — we can’t help but feel doubly inspired (even when we’re perspired). So, time to get moving.



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