Recipe File:Easy recipe for Lent

MANILA, Philippines - While some of us limit our meat intake this Lenten Season, we don’t really have to sacrifice on taste. SMC Pure Foods Culinary makes sure you have a flavorful dish to share with your family on Maundy Thursday.

Cheesy Crabs


1/4       cup    Magnolia Gold Butter

1          cup    button mushrooms, sliced

1 -1/2 cup    crabmeat (keep crab shell)

1/4       cup    white wine

2          tbsps. spring onions, chopped

1/2       cup Magnolia Quickmelt Cheese, grated


Preheat oven to 3500F or oven toaster at high heat for 10 minutes.

Melt butter in a non-stick pan, then sauté mushrooms until softened. Add crabmeat and sauté for about two minutes. Add wine and let simmer for three minutes. Add spring onions, then season with salt and pepper to taste. Stuff crab shell with the crabmeat mixture, then sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Broil in oven until cheese melts and browns slightly.

Serves five to six.

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