Bones matter

MANILA, Philippines - Do you know that 50 percent of Filipino women are prone to a silent bone disease that they probably won’t even know they have? Osteoporosis, the culprit behind fracture-prone bones, is a condition that features loss of normal bone density or bone mass.   To avoid osteoporosis, you’ll need a complete lifestyle change and load up on calcium and vitamin D for a maximum effect. “By drinking milk and acquiring healthy habits, you can strengthen your bones over time, and rely on that strength when the time comes,” says Dr. Leilani Asis, president of the Osteoporosis Society of the Phils. Foundation Inc. (OSPFI).

The National Institute of Health Consensus Conference on Osteoporosis recommends 1,000 mg of calcium a day for pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women (total daily intake should not exceed 2,000 mg). A regular glass of milk, or eight ounces, contains 250 mg. Having a glass a day, therefore, completes a third of your requirement. Unless you have special conditions that require aggressive medication or intense treatment, staving off osteoporosis is a matter of developing a drinking habit.  And if you’re going to acquire a milk habit, it’s best to take it from the expert on bone nutrition: Anlene, the only milk clinically proven to help prevent osteoporosis. “Every glass of Anlene contains 600 mg of calcium (500 mg for Anlene regular), plus essential nutrients for bone health and is formulated for rapid absorption by your system,” says Louise Chavez, brand manager, Anlene. “Two glasses of Anlene every day on top of your normal diet give you maximum bone-strengthening benefits. You get all the important vitamins and nutrients your bones need to stay healthy and strong.”

Anlene has two variants which are designed for the young and maturing generations of women (and men). Anlene Active is a non-fat, high-calcium milk that energetic young adults need to keep fit while striving to reach high peak bone mass. Keeping physically active as one ages reduces the chance of attaining debilitating injuries. Walking is the ideal exercise since it can be done anywhere, has low risk of injury and requires no special equipment. Anlene Gold is even more essential to women as they reach their 50s because it provides the daily 1200 mg dose of calcium required by that age group. Anlene also comes in low-fat powder form and ready-to-drink tetrapacks.

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