Eating light and healthy this summer

MANILA, Philippines – Crash diets, weight-loss pills, cosmetic surgery — health experts say that you can skip all that and still look good in your summer outfits.

The secret? Go back to basics: eat healthy foods and take in fewer calories than you burn.

“It’s easier to make better food choices in summertime, when heavy, high-calorie dishes seem less appealing,” says Prof. Luchie Callanta, senior lecturer of the University of the Philippines College of Home Economics. “The best food for weight loss in summer should be light, fibrous and refreshing.”

Also the resident nutritionist of the Doña Elena Cuisinera Club, a group of concerned mothers, health practitioners and food enthusiasts who are pushing a healthy-eating lifestyle for Filipinos, Prof. Callanta further explains that the single easiest way to trim calories is to load up on nature’s bounty. This means consuming fruits and vegetables that are low in calories but full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

But for people who cannot give up meat, Callanta suggests that they limit their meat intake and make sure it’s been cooked using healthy olive oil rather than ordinary cooking oil. Health experts believe that replacing low-quality oils with olive oil is the first step towards healthy eating.

The thing is, olive oil usually costs more than lesser quality oils. Luckily, olive oil brands such as Doña Elena provide the same number of health benefits — not to mention a rich, flavorful taste — without going over budget. Doña Elena olive oils make dietary protection against coronary heart disease, cancer and diabetes more accessible to the average Filipino.

Olive oil increases HDL (good cholesterol), which helps clear clogged arteries and is rich in monounsaturated fat and antioxidants like chlorophyll, carotenoids, vitamin E., flavonoids, squalene and polyphenols, which may help to protect against cancer. In fact, olive oil tops the list of healthy oils recommended by the American Heart Association for food preparation.

“So if you want to get that beautiful beach body, remember to exercise regularly and have a proper diet. After all, beauty isn’t skin deep — it starts from within,” concludes Callanta.

To contribute suggestions or comments that will help advance the cause of healthier eating, contact the Doña Elena Cuisinera Club Secretariat at 713-8144 or e-mail

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