Cebu Rotary, Inner Wheel officers sworn into office

The Rotary Club of Cebu, the second oldest in the Philippines following the founding of the Rotary Club of Manila in 1919, inducted recently its new set of officers and board of directors at the grand ballroom of the Cebu City Marriott Hotel, a popular venue for government and business events, cultural and social affairs.

Former Education Secretary and current chairman of College Assurance Plan Dr. Alejandro R. Roces was the guest of honor.

Instead of the long-winded and sometimes monotonous speeches that usually bore guests to no end, the widely-read Philippine STAR columnist shared endearing insights and unique glimpses of not-so-known facts in our history. He captivated the Rotarians with his eloquence and his witty manner.

Inducted were banker Sergio Romero as president, contractor Pericles Dakay as vice president, civic leader Bonifacio Belen as secretary, and insurance broker William Chavez as treasurer. The directors, namely bankers Carlos Lao and John Reyes, restaurateur Jonathan Gesalem, university administrator Oscar Jereza, businessmen Edgar Chiongbian and Bernard Sia, will assist them. President-elect for 2003-2004 is developer Antonio Lozada.

Also sworn into office that evening as the new set of officers of the Inner Wheel Club of Cebu were ladies with a mission Amifaith Reyes as president, Lita Aldana as vice president, Lourdes Parker as secretary and Tita Antigua as treasurer.

A few days later, talented Rotary Ann Lili Rose Florendo wished nothing more than to host and honest-to-goodness-without-any-leaks-nor-suspicions surprise birthday party for husband, Anton.

With the assistance, and perhaps the connivance of, Rotarians and their wives, Lili successfully managed to keep the preparations a total secret.

As Anton nonchalantly made his way to the social hall of the University of Southern Philippines to attend the weekly Rotary meeting, he was pleasantly surprised to see his children Leanne and Lorenz, golf buddies Bugs Unchuan and Rene Sarmiento and many other friends welcome him with a birthday song as loving wife Lili brought in the cake.

It was truly an evening of more surprises and exhilarating fun.

Recently, Anton Florendo attained another milestone. The former Rotary district governor, who presently sits as the district representative to Rotary International 2004 Council of Legislation, is the newest member of the board of directors of the Cebu chapter of the Philippine National Red Cross.

Congratulations and more power, Anton.

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