Hello, gold!

Hello Glow wins Gold at the 2021 Golden World Awards of the International Public Relations Association for its successful all-digital product launch.
Photos by Alex Van Hagen powered by MAC Center

Congratulations to the brilliant father-daughter team of Dioceldo Sy and Denice Sy-Muñez of Ever Bilena and its skincare brand Hello Glow for bagging the gold at the recent International Public Relations Association (IPRA) Golden World Awards in London. Supported by FuentesManila, the company’s PR agency, the outstanding brand was awarded for the successful launch of Hello Glow on an all-digital PR campaign.

The IPRA Golden World Awards recognizes excellence in public relations practice worldwide in a variety of categories. The recognition is granted to brands that meet international standards of excellence in public relations.

Imagine, palanggas, Ever Bilena launched its Hello Glow skincare brand in February 2020 and was able to sell 50,000 sets. In June 2020, the brand re-strategized and used social media to relaunch the product and recruit sellers.

The amazing father-daughter team behind Ever Bilena: President and CEO Dioceldo Sy and chief sales and marketing officer Denice Sy-Muñez

Relaunching their brand involved an amazing all-digital PR and communications campaign that includes influencer engagements, social media campaigns, and educational videos by skin experts.

Hello Glow also provided livelihood through online reselling, dahlings. The brand not only provides Filipinas clear, smooth skin, but also gives them the lift to survive this pandemic. A commission is given to online resellers for every set they sell.

And so, amid the pandemic, Ever Bilena managed to shine brighter and successfully launch the whole brand and its skincare set products. Kudos to the outstanding team behind Hello Glow!

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Making your dream career a reality

Are you thinking of switching careers? This might be the perfect opportunity for you, palanggas.

AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurance providers, has launched the AXA Prime program to help professionals hone their skills through its specialized digital tools and training programs.

AXA Prime is a close-knit network of mentors and like-minded professionals.

According to AXA Philippines’ dashing and very eloquent president and CEO Rahul Hora, this program is designed to be the gold standard for careers in insurance. ”AXA Prime allows professionals to unleash their full potential not only for their personal development but for their families and community as well,” Hora enthuses.

Take note, members of the elite league: AXA Prime will also be guided by a supportive network of mentors and professionals. It’s never too late to make your dreams come true, dahlings.

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To know more about AXA Prime, visit https://bit.ly/AXAPrimeLifestyle.

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