How to make your anti-aging skincare routine work better for you

Every day we get older and I’m reluctant to admit that I haven’t really done my share to age gracefully. I’m in my 40s and it’s really only now that I’m starting to include anti-aging products to my skincare routine. In short, I’m in panic mode. I need all these serums and essences  to work now! Thankfully, Clarins has now come up with their pioneering Anti-Aging Treatment Essences, specifically targeting your skin age and skin concerns. Meant to be used after your cleansing toners and before your serums or essences, these will aid absorption and help all of us in our quest for the fountain of youth.  Think of these as specialized boosters and prep work for your skincare routine.

Age 25 and above: Multi-active treatment essence (P2,350)

At this age, your skin cells are dense and closely knit. This arrangement makes it hard for skin treatment creams to penetrate to the lower layers of your skin. The Multi-Active Treatment Essence will nourish your skin, making it more open to absorb your serums and creams. These get to go deeper into your skin for maximum effect. This treatment essence is enriched with Teasel extract that increases cell vitality and boosts skin energy, Acerola seed extract to improve skin radiance, and Myrothamus extract to slow down cellular aging.

Age 35 and above: Extra-Firming Treatment Essence (P2,750)

Aside from the signature moisturizing and absorption-boosting effects, this essence firms your skin and helps plump it up for better elasticity.  The combination of lemon thyme and green banana extract enhances skin bounciness and helps firm up the skin while fig extract and hyaluronic acid boost skin moisture.

Age 45 and above: Super Restorative Treatment Essence (P3,750)

The build-up of dead skin cells at this age makes it even harder for treatment serums to penetrate the skin. This toner essence specifically targets skin smoothness and elasticity, helping minimize lines and tighten facial contours. The rich formula is formulated with pueraria lobate extract that stimulates the synthesis of collagen to reinforce and replenish the skin.

There are three ways for you to apply these essence toners, depending on your preferences:

1. After cleansing, apply an ample amount on a cotton pad and gently apply on your skin before your essences or serums.

2. Place a few drops on your fingertips or palm, gently rub your hands together and lightly tap on your skin, starting from the center of your face moving outwards.

3. Using a dry face mask sheet, pour an adequate amount of toner essence to saturate the face sheet. Place on your skin and leave on for about 10-15 minutes.

These essences can also double as light moisturizing treatments for rough or aging skin areas like the elbows, knees,  and hands. Just pour a small amount on your hands and gently massage into the skin. Specifically formulated for the Asian climate and skin types, all these essences are very light on the skin with refreshing fragrances that also double as aromatherapy treats to relax you on your anti-aging journey.

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Clarins Anti-Aging Treatment Essences are exclusively available at Rustan’s.

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