Kanebo skincare is made to impress

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in Japan for the past year, it’s that skincare is serious business. That’s not surprising considering that stepping into almost any regular drugstore in Tokyo means you’re faced with hundreds of options for practically every skin woe you may have. It can be a tad overwhelming, to say the least. To your average Japanese woman, it’s not just about having good skin. No, it’s about skin that’s smooth, supple, and virtually free of imperfections such as large, visible pores and dry patches. Skin shouldn’t only be “good” — it should be exquisite.

Kanebo, a pioneering force that’s been in the beauty sphere for more than a hundred years, knows exactly what exquisite skin is all about. With more than a few globally recognized brands under its belt that includes Kate, Freshel, and Lunasol, Kanebo is more than well versed in knowing what women both need and want when it comes to their skin. A multitude of Kanebo products, both of the skincare and cosmetic variety, have been rightfully coveted over the years, but one product in particular ended up making quite the impression and has been a staple in many women’s skincare regimens for the past decade.

Part of Kanebo’s luxe skincare line, Impress lotion, which comes in two variants, has been favored to the point that hoarding it is common among longtime customers. I know the term “lotion” has garnered more than a few confused looks from some of you, so allow me to explain. In the realm of Japanese skincare, face lotions are what’s more commonly referred to as toners or softeners. They’re meant to hydrate and prep the face, by means of softening it, for the rest of your morning or nightly skincare regimen. That’s what Impress’ most coveted lotion is all about, thanks to its ability to soften and provide essential moisture to the skin. The result is skin that Kanebo likes to describe as “resilient and succulent.”

So, what exactly makes this lotion as impressive as it is?

It contains a powerful combo of suginori, an extract from red seaweed, and rose myrtle. This is the secret to getting that exquisite skin promise. Since the body’s ability to repair skin from UV (ultraviolet) rays declines with age, suginori comes to the rescue by helping to stimulate DNA repair. Rose myrtle, on the other hand, boosts the skin’s capacity to heal itself from damage caused by those dreaded free radicals since its own extract is packed with antioxidants. Talk about a dynamic duo!

Now, in order to celebrate Impress’ 10th anniversary, an impressive (sorry, I had to) limited-edition kit has been released. Not only does it contain the brand’s most sought-after lotion, Impress Lotion II, it also has three other wonder products that help skin give off the ultimate first impression.

Let’s break it down, shall we? First up is Impress Cleansing Cream, the starting step in this skincare system that lifts away makeup, dirt, and any impurities. Second is Impress Creamy Soap, a face wash to thoroughly cleanse skin without drying it by producing a rich lather. Last but not the least, Impress Emulsion II is light on the skin but heavy on the moisture for a healthier complexion.

While the lotion can be a skin savior on its own, as some women will attest, this powerfully potent kit can ultimately help you achieve skin that’s made to impress.

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The Impress 10th Anniversary Lotion Kit is now available at all Kanebo Impress counters in Rustan’s Department Stores.

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Follow me on Instagram and Twitter (@arianyupangco), and check out my beauty blog “Ari’s In Wonderland” at http://www.arisinwonderland.com/.

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