Lawrence Ang & Tanya Gisbert: A proposal of love on a hot air balloon

Happily ever after: Tanya and Lawrence Ang. The bride wears a gown by Richie Torres.

Tanya Gisbert and Lawrence Ang first met eight years ago as college blockmates in BS Psychology at the Ateneo de Manila University. For about a year, they thought they were just barkada; attending class and doing assignments together. But everyone else saw that a romance was brewing.

The enamored Lawrence finally mus- tered enough courage to go on a date with his pretty classmate. And that’s when they both realized that their campus friendship had turned to love.

A long-distance relationship had to be sustained for three years because Lawrence had to complete his studies in Natural Resources Management at the Australian National University. Currently a specialist for the USAID-supported Ecofish project with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Lawrence is also a sustainability consultant for a major international renewable energy company. Knowing that riding a hot air balloon was part of Tanya’s bucket list, Lawrence took her on a surprise trip to Clark, Pampanga. And as soon as they were up in the air, he proposed to his pre-school educator/entrepre- neur bride-to-be on Valentine’s eve last year.

Deciding to start 2014 together, the couple were united in matri- mony at the St. Benedict Church in Ayala Westgrove, followed by a lunch reception in Nuvali’s The Monochrome before their loving family and friends. When asked about their plans together, Tanya replied, “I look forward to building a home with Lawrence that, like us, is built to last.”        To which her groom replied, “ Words cannot express how

happy and blessed I am to have Tanya in my life. I am so excited for our life together!”


For comments and ideas, please e-mail: jacinto.fa@gmail. com

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