The 20s are the best time to start using anti-aging products

What are you planning to take up in college?” “Ma’am, are you over 18?” “What high school do you go to?” Those are just some of the questions I get every now and then. Yes, I do look younger than I really am, and I guess I’ve simply got good genes to thank for that. Despite my age, I can’t deny that I do sometimes worry about the future, specifically my skin’s future. I, personally, have a taste for wine and I want to age just like it –– slowly and gracefully. Just not inside a barrel. Even during my teenage years, when I started to become both fascinated and obsessed with all kinds of beauty products, I already pondered the use of anti-aging creams and serums but was always met by the usual counter-statement: “You’re too young to use anti-aging products.” So I began to wonder, how young is too young? Would I have to wait until little crow’s feet started to appear by my eyes or for frown lines to give me less of a reason to smile? What a lot of people tend to forget when asking themselves the same question is that everyone ages differently. Genes, skincare habits, environment, stress and so on all contribute to how fast and how much we age. You’ll hear that your early 20s are the best time to begin your anti-aging journey, while others will say to begin in your 30s or even later.

In the end, the key will always be prevention. While you’ve still got your don’t-need-Photoshop-yet skin is when it’s best to take action. Sure, I still don’t quite need products that promise to “make wrinkles vanish” or “restore youth,” but if I continue to keep my skin moisturized and nourished, as well as maintain a healthy balance with my lifestyle, then I think I can look forward to not only aging gracefully, but happily as well. This is where a particular beauty secret, already used for centuries in the dry, harsh environment of North Africa, but only raved about in recent years in the entertainment and beauty industry, comes into play: Argan oil.

Now rightfully treated as “liquid gold” in Hollywood and adored by international celebrities like Eva Mendes and Marion Cotillard, generations of Berber women from Morocco have extracted and used Argan oil for its intense hydrating and anti-aging properties. Since it’s jam-packed with high levels of vitamin E, it also slows down the natural aging process of the skin. But you don’t need to personally travel to Morocco and harvest kernels from the Argan tree (which can only be found in Morocco, by the way, talk about exclusive!) to reap the benefits of this bottled miracle because Rustan’s Beauty Source has brought over Lift’Argan to Philippine shores so that we can experience, or better yet indulge in, three new products that are luxurious enough we’ll probably need to stow them away in a vault instead of our vanity tables.

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Lift’Argan’s organic Argan oil is undeniably the cream of the crop for this French brand. Composed of 100-percent natural, pure Argan oil, it has a high content of vitamin E that restores the skin’s hydrolipidic film (skin’s natural protective barrier for us non-science folk) and it’s hailed for its nourishing, regenerating and structuring properties.  Just like its content, it’s also 100-percent organic and has antioxidant properties, making it perfect for not just your face, but to restore and rejuvenate hair, nails, and everywhere else it’s needed on your body, too. If you want a product with a little more kick to it, then there’s also Lift’Argan’s Divine Dry Oil. It takes action to target the six signs of aging: it fills wrinkles, firms, restructures, nourishes, soothes, and adds radiance. The silky texture of this oil actually allows it to bond with your skin to make it smoother and softer, too. What sorcery is this, I hear you ask? Well, it has less to do with magic and more with what’s in the oil itself. It’s composed of 40 percent other oriental precious oils, including date palm tree oil for tissue repair and prickly pear oil for firming and radiance, as well as Argan oil, of course. I am personally a fan of dry oils myself since I also love how they absorb quickly, and the Divine Dry Oil seems like it would be the perfect daily treat for my skin. What else am I a fan of? If you read my last article, “My Top 10 Beauty Must-Haves,” then you’ll know the answer is BB (or Blemish Balm) creams. So Lift’Argan has come to the rescue to combine my love for them with the potent benefits of precious oils by introducing The Divine BB Cream. It’s organic-certified, suitable for all skin types, and aside from moisturizing skin, it corrects minor imperfections to make your complexion smoother and more radiant while sculpting and firming at the same time. Available in two shades, its ingredient list includes Argan, prickly pear, date palm tree and rose oils, phytosphingosine (to boost cell renewal), and has SPF10 which should be enough for an hour or two under the sun.

For a little bit of feel-good trivia, did you know that Lift’Argan works with Aknari, a cooperative of Moroccan women, to ensure that not only is the biodiversity where the Argan oil comes from is respected, but that the producers also earn their fair salary? Products that not only benefit the user, but also a whole other community and environment entirely are just added reasons to try out Lift’Argan’s product range at Rustan’s. Rest assured, not only your skin will be thankful.

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Lift’Argan is available exclusively at Rustan’s The Beauty Source at all Rustan’s Department Stores.

Follow me on Instagram (@arianyupangco) and Twitter (@ArianYupangco), and check out my beauty blog ‘Dolcellita’ at

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