Sexy knows no age at Marie France

MANILA, Philippines - For some women, after reaching a certain age, any dream of getting back the slimmer, sexier bodies of their youth are thrown out the window. We look at celebrities who seem to have timeless beauty and wonder how we mere mortals can achieve the same. It seems that there is still hope for the rest of womanhood because three of Philippine TV’s loveliest have spilled the secret to their ageless bodies.

The best shape for my age

Dawn Zulueta-Lagdameo is undisputedly one of the country’s most beautiful. This devoted wife and mommy juggles the demands of everyday with a stellar-as-ever career. You’d think that someone with a schedule as hectic as hers would look exhausted and spent. But this perennial figure in beauty and fashion lists has proven time and again that there is simply no excuse for not looking your best all the time. She has also proven that even as new faces come and go, there can only be one Dawn Zulueta.

Dawn’s advice? Have the right mindset in the first place. It’s not healthy to aspire to have someone else’s body. It’s your body, your shape — Dawn suggests that you enhance it in a way that suits it best. “Especially at my age, I’m already in my 40s, so it just won’t look right to want to be as skinny as I was in my 20s. It’s not enough to just want to be sexy. I want to be in the best shape that I can be for my age.”

Another advice that Dawn knows so well is that you don’t have to put your body at risk just to get the shape that you want. “I don’t subscribe to invasive treatments talaga. Even my friends, I really discourage them from getting cosmetic surgery done. Or having injections or taking pills,” Dawn shares. “I see what these can do to some women — they really get back the body they had when they were still single. But what’s scary is 20 years down the road, we don’t know what effect those things will have on the body. Why would I expose myself to these risks?”

Her not-so-secret secret

Dawn admits to getting a little help. But it’s never really been a secret. She has been a loyal and satisfied client of Marie France for seven years. Being opposed to invasive and risky slimming methods, Dawn found the perfect partner in Marie France — a leading name in non-invasive slimming and body contouring.

She remembers struggling with stubborn cellulite around her thighs. Despite a healthy diet and regular workouts, she noticed that her metabolism has inevitably slowed down with age, resulting in unsightly cellulite on her thigh area that just won’t budge. Marie France’s solution: Endermologie Plus.

Endermologie Plus is designed to visibly smoothen out cellulite and fat bulges anywhere on the body. It uses a high-precision method which eliminates excess fat deposits, firms up loose skin and restores the body’s ideal shape.

“It’s a joke now with my friends because they know I can’t stop talking about the treatments in Marie France!” Dawn laughs. “And they know I love fashion. I love trying out new things and feeling good in whatever I wear. Marie France has helped me achieve that. The treatments are very effective talaga and even relaxing.”

Once a sexy siren, always a sexy siren

As for Carmi Martin, there is no arguing that this lady has been sexy forever. Seriously, have you ever seen Carmi in bad shape? But even though she has never had any major problems with her figure, she knows that aging will make keeping those famous curves a challenge. Or so she thought.

“I thought mahihirapan ako to maintain my 27-inch waistline especially now that I am approaching the big 5-0. But Marie France made it so easy!” Carmi enthuses.

Yes, the sexy comedienne is soon to become a golden girl. But you would never guess, thanks to that age-defying figure. Not only is she as sexy as ever, she is also happily bombarded with movie and TV projects left and right. “I’m not the type to just wait around for the next project. I make sure I am always in good shape so that I am always ready for anything.”

Forever 27

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Like Dawn, Carmi does not subscribe to invasive slimming methods. “Takot ako sa cuts and injections eh. So when I heard about Marie France’s non-surgical treatments, una ako sa pila! Now even younger actresses tell me, ‘You’re so slim. Your tummy is so flat.’”

So what helps keep her waistline forever at 27 inches? Physique Inch-Loss by Marie France. It stimulates muscles in the problem area through Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulations (TENS) technology. It builds, tones and strengthens muscles to firm up sags and flabs. A 15-minute session of Physique Inch-Loss is equivalent to doing 225 sit-ups, but with none of the strain and pain.

“I no longer worry about aging and slow metabolism. It’s a comfort to know that I can maintain my figure without surgery, crash diets, mga pills or sobrang workout.”

Indeed, although regular workouts help, the main function of most exercise routines is to tone muscles, not to eliminate a significant amount of fat. This is where the Marie France treatments come in. Marie France’s resident doctors affirm that with the advanced technology of their treatments, losing excess weight in a specific problem area is made more precise and effective, with less stress on the client. It’s perfect for busy women like Carmi who don’t always have time to go to the gym. 

One hot mama

Another busy bee is hot mommy Bernadette Allyson. One kid can prove to be quite a handful: imagine having three. Mothers have always been a special kind of hero, oftentimes neglecting themselves to take care of their familes. But Bernadette is one mommy who has found a beautiful balance between nurturing the little ones and still setting aside time for herself.

“My weight gain was mainly due to my multiple pregnancies,” Bernadette reveals. “I gained so much after having three kids. I tried dieting and going to the gym pero wala akong masyadong nakitang improvement. I’m in my 30s so it’s not easy to lose inches. I knew I needed something that really works. Buti na lang there’s Marie France.”

Bernadette discovered that to get rid of resistant fat, diet is not enough. For her stubborn pockets of fat in hard-to-reach body areas, only Marie France’s non-invasive treatments worked because they specifically targeted and eliminated unwanted fat cells.

To get rid of Bernadette’s flabby, wrinkly tummy after giving birth, Tripollar Tummy to the rescue. It’s an advanced non-invasive tummy flatenning treatment that is double-armed with tri-polar RF energy (third generation of radio frequency) and bi-polar RF energy. It flattened and contoured Bernadette’s bulging belly and smoothened the lax skin. The two radio frequency energies heat the fat cells, inducing natural metabolism and the release of fat for easy burning. It also promotes collagen production, resulting in tighter and firmer skin.

“Since losing all the excess weight, I feel lighter and I don’t look haggard,” Bernadette says. “It’s easier to move around and take care of my kids. Saka ako kasi, I make it a point not to look losyang for my husband so I love that I feel good about how I look. Plus, you know, there are a lot of my old clothes that still fit me!”

Sometimes less isn’t more

Having a better understanding of good nutrition is another thing that Bernadette loves about Marie France. They have a team of qualified nutritionists and resident doctors that guide clients in making healthier food choices. “From my experience, a Marie France body is a healthy body. They have an expert team that you can consult with concerning health and nutrition. That was a big help for me.”

Catherine Santos, one of Marie France’s in-house nutritionists shares: “The nutrition programs in Marie France are tailor-fit to our clients. Her personality,  preference, lifestyle, routine. We also promote nutrition education to help our clients make smarter food choices, like teaching them how to control food portions as appropriate to their requirements. It’s simple to follow, it’s realistic, and it’s sustainable kasi nga it’s patterned after the preferences of the client.”

Ms. Santos advices clients to be wary of fad diets that usually do more harm than good. “Most fad diets do not give long-term results and lack the necessary clinical studies to back them up. At Marie France, we promote a lifestyle change that our clients can sustain.”

It’s also important to know the truth behind common diet misconceptions, like the myth about eating less to lose more. Skipping meals or downright starving yourself will ultimately backfire. Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism, which will make it harder for you to lose weight in the long run.

“Of course you really will lose weight by reducing your calorie intake,” Ms. Santos adds. “But the more you do it, the less effective it becomes because your body learns to expect it. Your metabolism slows down, your calorie-burning capacity diminishes. So the only way for the fad diet to be effective again is for you to lessen and lessen your calorie intake, until you’re not eating anymore! It’s impossible because of course you need to eat to exist! It’s unhealthy and unrealistic.”

Another myth is that carbs are the enemy. “Eliminating one nutrient from your diet is not good because each nutrient has an important role sa body functions natin,” Ms. Santos says. “At Marie France, while reducing your calorie intake, we also make sure that your body is nutritionally complete because you need to nourish your body too. It’s not just about reducing. There is a certain limit to the amount of carbs that you can lose. It cannot be completely zero.”

You might be surprised that in fact, eating more of the right food is more helpful for successful and long-term weight loss. At the end of the day, it’s really all about finding the right balance, which the Marie France team helped Bernadette to do.

Go beyond sexy

A successful career, a healthy family life, a sexy self-assurance that is only earned with age, and a slim figure that defies the years—Dawn, Carmi and Bernadette have proven that it’s possible to have it all. Whether you’re in your 30s, 40s or 50s, you can still get the shape you want without resorting to surgery, injections and pills. There are so many weight loss options that are ripe for the picking, but for non-invasive slimming solutions that perfectly fit your busy lifestyle, there’s Marie France. It’s the only option for women who know they can go beyond sexy. For an ageless body, call 894-2639 today.

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