Sexy Hollywood stars’ secrets for staying hot

MANILA, Philippines -How do Hollywood A-listers like Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Campbell, Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler stay as hot as ever?

They take a tablet made from cayenne pepper, which burns fat and slims them down with hardly any effort at all.

The red-hot powder works by suppressing hunger pangs and pumping up calorie-burning rates. It enhances metabolism while helping reduce heart disease.

Tests by food scientist Stephen Whiting prove that red pepper has the chemical capsaicin that triggers an adrenalin rush. This orders the brain to burn fat cells –– and tests found that fat around the belly was burned most rapidly.

But since carrying raw cayenne pepper around could be inconvenient, Gloire Unlimited Co. came up with something more practical. It created Capsinesis, an all-natural food supplement for the figure-conscious.

Olai Espiritu, the lady behind the product, is proud to say that her company manufactures the tablets and packages its bottles in the Philippines.

“It has a natural blood thinner which got the nod of the Bureau of Food and Drugs,” says Olai.

So important is the safety factor for Olai, it took her quite some time to finally give the go signal for Capsinesis’ release in the Philippines.

She herself was able to prove this when her mother-in-law had a stroke. Olai let her take a tablet under her tongue, and her hypertension and other stroke symptoms disappeared.

This is because the cayenne pepper in Capsinesis reduces platelet aggregation. By reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, it brings down the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. Vitamins in cayenne also destroy bacteria and strengthen the immune system, speeding up the heating process.

Another example is fitness coach Kenneth Benton. He went on a diet and exercise regimen for 78 days and took Capsinesis.

“I take a capsule and realize I do not feel as hungry. I still eat but less and smaller portions. I love the warm feeling in my tummy. I imagine the heat is melting my fat away. Now I see my abs clearly. My clients in my boot camps have also seen their waistlines shrink,” he says.

Capsinesis will soon be available in drugstores nationwide.

For details, call 377-5556 and 0917-4788535. Visit the Capsinesis Facebook page and its website


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