More than 30 pieces of Silverworks

MANILA, Philippines - It’s in status message. It’s in blogs. It’s in the song rated with sad two stars. Today, self-expression is no longer just an art form; it’s a way of life.

Silverworks teamed up with BBDO-Guerrero for their newest campaign “There’s No Substitute” which takes inspiration from today’s confident and outspoken youth. It embraces their desire for individuality, displaying the diverse collection of Silverworks that caters to differing tastes.

Photographer Mark Nicdao captures beautiful faces and graceful bodies adorned with longganisa necklaces, katol earrings, donut bracelets, among others. It is a playful representation of other fashion accessories on the market that couldn’t match the quality, style, and substance of Silverworks.

“There’s No Substitute” is a campaign that proudly shows Silverworks has more than just unique designs and unmatched craftsmanship.

Those who wear Silverworks know who they are. They have distinct personalities and they want the world to know it.

Their style is their own. And there’s definitely no substitute for that.

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