Women of the pink revolution

Ever since the British pop group Spice Girls revolutionized the term "Girl Power," women became more empowered. Yes, ladies, we are more independent, self-sufficient, and successful multi-taskers. We just rock, huh? True, true.

As for me, I take really good care of myself more now. I don’t feel guilty going to the spa for a massage or spending hours in the parlor having my nails or hair done. Women are entitled to be happy in their own right and to look their best – beautiful, that is.

To celebrate this girl power phenomenon, Cream Silk recently launched the Pink Power, Girl Power Campaign. Before, it was a choice between beauty and power. But with this campaign, Cream Silk allows women to choose both and pursue their passions.

"This campaign is close to my heart because it really connects to the consumer," says Gilbert Simpao, Unilever’s marketing director for hair and oral care. "The color pink represents a woman’s desire to succeed in a man’s world but keeps her femininity."

As proof of this, Pink Cream Silk introduced five stellar women who are successful in their respective male-dominated chosen fields. Perhaps what these women have in common is not only do they have beautiful and straight hair, they are also passionate in what they do.

So, here are the pink power icons:
Fast And Fabulous
Asian Formula 3 driver Gaby de la Merced loves to drive her car at mega-speeds, leaving a fiery trail on the racetrack. She just loves the fear of the unknown – and her car, of course. She says: "I have a very special relationship with my car. When I am behind the wheel, I become one with it – I become the car." Her feminine vibe radiates, even from beneath her race helmet. Who says women can’t drive?
Beauty By Design
Models now are not simply models. Their looks aren’t as important anymore because they also need the brains to become more successful. Roanna Reyes is a perfect example. Not only is she a model, she’s an architect as well. If she is not modeling, Roanna spends most of her days wearing a hard hat and inspecting construction sites. She enthuses, "I am very lucky to do the two jobs I really enjoy doing." Top that if you can.
Wakeboard Wonder
As an extreme sports enthusiast, Rainey Sta. Maria digs riding in the wake of a speeding motorboat with only a board under her feet. Although she possesses a healthy competitive streak, much of her involvement in wakeboarding is born out of sheer enjoyment. She explains, "I am in my element when I am on water. This is the time that I become fearless." Perhaps this gives her more than a rush of blood to the head – it’s the ultimate joyride.
Regal Rider
Olympic equestrienne Toni Leviste is extremely passionate about horseback riding. For her, it’s not just a sport, it’s a calling. She reveals, "This is not the easiest thing to get into because it is an extremely expensive and demanding sport, working long hours, building rapport with your horse." These hurdles are tackled on her way to her ultimate dream – that prized Olympic gold.
Rock Goddess
The girl who once sang with Ryan Cayabyab’s teen act Kaya has grown up. Lougee, lead singer of Mojofly, is busy with gigs, writing songs and burning the midnight oil recording songs. She says, "I made the right choice to enter a band because I am able to express myself." And it makes me wonder if her unique and strong pipes come close to her idol, Gwen Stefani.

Sadly, I don’t have gorgeous, straight locks like these pink power icons. But it didn’t stop me from trying the Cream Silk Straight and Relaxed conditioner. My hair was a bit dry from all the chemicals and products. After I used the conditioner, though, my curls were easy to control and didn’t become puffy. More relaxed. More tame. And oh, I just loved the refreshing scent that lasted all day! The great thing about this conditioner is that it contains a unique, revitalizing formula infused with Silk Satin essence that deeply moisturizes coarse, dry hair, transforming it to straighter-looking, well-behaved locks.

"Cream Silk has been on the market for more than 30 years. The brand truly understands Filipina hair," explains, Dorothy Jane Dee, brand manager for Cream Silk. "With this Pink Power, Girl Power campaign, we would like to empower women to not be afraid to pursue their passions. Women can have it all – beauty and power – to succeed."

Never underestimate the power of a woman, especially today – we live in a world where girl power rules. So, just think pink!
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E-mail love-hate whatever things to becca_rodriguez@yahoo.com

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